Thursday, November 28, 2024

I think Donald Trump has this Adviser

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I doubt any of you have ever heard of Robert J. Walker, but he is a waymark for me personally, as he is a shining example of Americanism to emulate.

Robert Walker began life in Pennsylvania, became a lawyer and migrated to Mississippi. There he was elected Governor, twice US Senator and served as Secretary of the Treasury for President Polk. Having fallen out of favor in Mississippi, he moved to Washington DC as a lawyer, campaigned for President Buchannan and was appointed Governor of the Territory of Kansas........where he gave Buchanan the boot in his backing and joined Stephen Douglas of Illinois.

He was championed by Horace Greeley for the Lincoln cabinet as Secretary of State. He instead told Abraham Lincoln that this would not be wise and that he could be of most use in a private capacity.

This Wizard of Mississippi was the man that Lincoln turned to on Emancipation, the Trent Affair with England and the political outlook in the North and the South.

In Walker's governance he sold 10 million dollars in a loan to British financiers. He repudiated the loan and the British never forgot Robert Walker who had outwitted them.

It was Walker who picked Jefferson Davis to be sent to Congress. He instigated the war with Mexico. and if Polk had adhered to Walker's policy, the United States would at this time end at the Isthmus of Panama, as Mexico was just a start for the Walker Manifest Destiny.

As a past time, he went to England, sold the English 1 million dollars in railroad securities in exchange for thousands of tons of railroad iron, which he then sold in New York for real American money.

When Walker desired to see the President, Abraham Lincoln would respond with a note to "His Highmightyness, Governor Walker, late of Kansas Territory".  The reply was brief, "I shall be glad to see you come at 3 PM, AL".

This was a man among men, and those men valued him equally with Benjamin Franklin to understand, discriminate, evaluate and distinguish every facet of a situation.

His wife in fact, was a great grand daughter of Benjamin Franklin.

Somewhere in the sphere of Donald Trump, it appears he has an adviser who is like Robert Walker this time. It is happens when the adults take an interest in American  politics for their agenda.

It has always fascinated me, observing the adults in the guidance of their purposes to their fruition. This is probably the last time America will be treated to such a performance again.

Nuff Said
