Thursday, November 28, 2024

The Sun Also Sets

Trump Will Bring Justice, Not Revenge

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Trump voters believe their sun is rising while Kamala voters believe their sun has sunk. Yet in the real world we are witnessing the sun of our world moving in ways which is not yet settled upon yet if America is in her twilight's last gleaming for we are Reagan morning in America again.

Two examples of this are Ricky Vaughn who was one of the satirists on alt media in the alt right. I have never been able to figure out what this guy did to piss off powerful people, while the rest of his crew in that same operation skated,  but whatever it was, it landed him alone in prison. Maybe he would not have sex with the boss.

As it is Ricky Vaughn is on Twitter and feels comfortable enough to be naming names of people at the FBI who should be fired. Remember that Vaughn ended up in jail over a meme which he retweeted.

In his bold opening post, Doug Mackey wasted no time naming William Sweeney—James Comey’s loyal lackey—as the first Deep State operative President Trump must fire. Sweeney is the man who spearheaded the war against Trump supporters in New York City and took down many decent folks, simply because they dissented against the regime.

On the other hand, the FBI under the courageous Christopher Wray is after neo Ricky Vaughn who might be a Jew faking messages or one of Kamala Harris disgruntled cat women, in whatever guise this is, the FBI is launching a massive hunt for this person, who is sending out emails it seems in telling Blacks they are soon to be picking cotton on a plantation.

 Mexicans are to be deported and sex deviants are to report to re education camps.

“The FBI is aware of the offensive and racist text messages sent to African American and Black communities around the country and is in contact with the Justice Department and other federal authorities on the matter. The reports are not identical and vary in their specific language, but many say the recipient has been selected to pick cotton on a plantation.

The text message recipients have now expanded to high school students, as well as both the Hispanic and LGBTQIA+ communities. Some recipients reported being told they were selected for deportation or to report to a re-education camp. The messages have also been reported as being received via email communication.

Although we have not received reports of violent acts stemming from these offensive messages, we are evaluating all reported incidents and engaging with the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. We are also sharing information with our law enforcement partners and community, academia, and faith leaders.

Recipients of messages consistent with those described are encouraged to report the details to the FBI by phone at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324) or online at

As always, we encourage members of the public to remain vigilant and report threats of violence or anything they consider suspicious to law enforcement immediately, call their local FBI office, or submit a report to” FBI Statement

I seem to recall that it was image Obama who was threating Black men who were not voting for Kamala Harris, so I wonder if the FBI is looking inside the DNC for the prankster who obviously has mailing list access which are sorted by race and sex gender, which is something the Obama machine engaged in. I can wonder, but the FBI is not looking at wokesters for this set up, any more than they did Jews who were trying to frame others in going anti Semite.

The FBI does not seem to be very afraid of Donald Trump, JD Vance or future Attorney General Matt Gaetz, who are on record stating this snowflake stuff is going to be shut down, and those in the DOJ criminalizing this kind of First Amendment Speech are the ones who will be fired and prosecuted.

So I have no idea how this is going to work itself out. It seems the Pentagon brass is running scared in deleting their woke propaganda, but the FBI is still busy using resources on people who send mail out to people who do not hit the block and delete button.

We are in some kind of America yet, where the sun does not know whether to rise and shine or set and bring darkness on the liberties and freedoms of the Constitution.

Hillary Clinton suggests that Trump supporters need to be placed in reeducation camps. “At some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.”

Obama angers midwest voters with guns and religion remark

Apr 14, 2008 ... Barack Obama was forced onto the defensive at the weekend over unguarded comments he made about small-town voters across the midwest.

Jimmy Kimmel ponders 'once Trump is dead' will 'things get better?'

Jan 19, 2024 ... ABC late night comic Jimmy Kimmel speculated about former President Donald Trump's death and whether that would make "things better" in ...

The FBI never investigates nor refers for prosecution, racism, hate and violence, which does not strike them as criminal.

Nuff Said
