Sunday, December 8, 2024

Now is the Syria of our Discontent made warm Spring by coming War

"Syria will fall at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the one”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While the blind seer is a bit off on years, there is an interesting point in her point on Syria. Syria falls and then when spring arrives, a war is going to start in the East and that war will destroy the West.

Baba Vanga's predictions, in which she said: “As soon as Syria falls, expect a great war between the West and the East. In the spring, a war in the East will begin, and there will be a Third World War. A war in the East that will destroy the West.”

We will see how this seer falls into Biblical reality in Prophecy.

You have not my time line, but Baba's time line. Her time line is 4 months away.

Tears For Fears - Mad World (Official Music Video) - YouTube

Aug 9, 2013 ... REMASTERED IN HD! 'Songs For A Nervous Planet' – out now: Listen to more from Tears For Fears: ...

Nuff Said
