Sunday, December 8, 2024

Donald Trump needs Sec. Stanton.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President elect Donald Trump made a deal with John Thune to get Kristi Noem into Homeland, and for that Matt Gaetz was tossed to the curb. Now we see more erosion in this backstabbing against that Hegseth or whatever his name is for defense.

I hear the bullshit about Mike Flynn. Yeah Trump won't touch him. I wonder why? The guy who set off Russiagate in that FBI set up, and then after 9 11 he was Qanon cocking off in Texas trying to lure more Americans to their FBI doom to attend that meeting.
I don't trust Mike Flynn anymore than I do Chris Wray.

I don't want to get into this giving ground. I think Hegseth as long as he cuts shit and makes people answer for their abuse of the Pentagon, that is the  guy. I will suggest two, no three candidates, for Sec. of Defense, and I would say Undersecretaries at least to save the US military.

The first is a geezer who hates Trump. I don't even know if he knows the zip code anymore, but his name is John Lehman. He covered up 9 11, but he was Reagan's Navy Secretary. He knows his stuff.

The second is a Democrat in James Webb. He too was Secretary of the Navy and he knocked Niggers around in college. He is a tough bastard.

The third is George Allen. The Jew that the Bush family destroyed as a rival to Jeb, in that maccaca moment


and put Jimmy Webb into the Senate. Allen is grounded and he would do a good job in this disaster at the Pentagon.

So forget that Ron DeSantis who sucks Netanyahu penis and forget Joni Ernst who sucks dick not her husband. They will be disasters.

Donald Trump needs someone and a landing team who will make people answer and be fired, for the B 2 and the F 35, both disasters as Russia can track both of these bankrupting birds. America needs to go to GEN 6 fighter drones, a space plane, a hypersonic and laser program, and get this DEI shit out of the military forever.

No more wonder weapons that you wonder if they will work as the country is gutted of Americans and cash for systems no one can afford.

Donald Trump needs Abraham Lincoln's Sec of War, Stanton, a Democrat hard ass who managed the military and the entire spending to win a war.

That is the solution.

Nuff Said

