Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Fruity Boy


I'm the fruity boy. I took the role as Tim Matheson had the good parts already
and I had to play second banana.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This Fruity Boy that Donald Trump chose as Secretary of the Treasury reminds me a blonde fag with glasses, Tim Matheson. Who would not want this irreverent smart ass in charge of burning things down.

I never played a fag as no one would believe it, even with my awesome talent.

I'm studying Bessent as in all honesty, Donald Trump has two legs to what he is engaged in, exactly like Ronald Reagan. Reagan was Economy and Defense. Trump is Economy and Invasion.

In the Wall Street Journal, I actually read what Fruity Boy had to say. Others are still in that Goddamn "rob thee Americans" bullshit in, "You can't give Americans tax cuts or there is this huge debt".

I say completely, FUCK YOUR NATIONAL DEBT. It is not my problem. Every time you Nazi bastards want to raise your stocks on the market or spend some shit to get rich, you think you can dig into some poor bastard's pocket to make it some Goddamn bar fly hooker, getting some poor bastard drunk and looting what he has in his pockets.

Government debt is not the problem of Americans. Most Americans are not getting these corporate, big farm or welfare handouts. The US budget which has not existed for years and the people are criminal for their spending money, meaning Congress and the Executives of the White House, are the looters, and you don't get to rob people because the clause is TAXATION WITH REPRESENTATION not TAXATION WITH MISREPRESENTATION. No government gets to steal from the public.

That is why the fruity boy interests me, as he heard in pillow talk that a new economic order is coming to the world and wants to be the one who helps institute Trumpenomics.

He expressed his desire to contribute to this anticipated economic shift, stating, “We are going to have to have some kind of a grand global economic reordering.” Bessent argues he has studied these dynamics and is eager to be involved in shaping the future economic landscape.

Bissent is a fag abomination to God and he needs like Elton John to clean up his dirty dick act. Poor Sir Elton got blind in one eye and can no longer write music as he was not glorifying God, like that Bon Jovi prick. Bissent interests me though the way John Wayne said to Bruce Cabot's son in McClintock,

"You interest me young Ben".

What kind of fruity boy world is this, thumbs in pies and pulling out plums.


Elton John is blind in his right eye after infection - New York Post

3 days ago ... Elton John revealed on "Good Morning America" that he lost his vision in his right eye in July 2024 after an infection.

Bissent has gone on record about e coin, this is a key element of the Board's revamping world economic policy. E coin mined by the US, is going to become the failsafe for the US to overpower BRICS in economic might. Bissent has uttered what this blog stated would take place in, 

“maintaining the status of the dollar as the world's reserve currency.”

I'm going to reference something my children and my brats are aware of from this blog, Nazi Germany overhauled the Republic's debt, but based the outcome on forced labor to control inflation. The Board has in a genius move replaced the invader of the West slave labor and Nazi slave labor with E COIN to balance the books. You inflate e coin not cheapen labor.

The Dollar then moves to full status as reserve currency. Both the coin and the Dollar are then the asset of choice and not gold and silver. The metals cheapen as the coin and Dollar surge in value. This then drives down energy which is what Russia is driving BRICS with in China. Deflation means Russia does not have the money to build weapons as China in tariffs is stuck paying that rate to America, instead of the surplus saved in cheap Russian oil.

The old Anglo Saxon finance is gone with Jew pawn brokers looting people in interest and inflation. What appears is this American Saxon or the Saxons of Germany and America managing monetary prosperity for the world.

That is why fruity boy interests me. He has studied history so he has a grasp of the weapon of economics, as Ronald Reagan did against the Soviets. This scheme as I have stated, if Jesus does not return, will produce a platform which would stabilize the quadrillions in raw wealth to be mined in our Solar System. I doubt fruity boy comprehends that, as he understands just enough to realize that Dutch fractal lending is with it's Anglo Jew pawn broker of interest debt, is being evolved past to something so different that one is archaic and the other is the next century.

Bissent gets the key pillars of Donald Trump's economic vision. E coin, divesting debt from the American public and a strong Dollar with tariffs as his activist approach to trade.

And I will say, you betcha, this is going to pull things down and reorder things. This is the same as Bob Villa gutting a house to a shell and rebuilding it all to a mansion of value. This is no longer this English and Jew looting for America for the Normans on the throne and the Nazi industry. This is the managing of American assets to help build an Old World Order.

What we have now is destroying everything, so bitching about what Bissent is getting a wet spot over is not the issue. Our destruction is come. We either wipe this out on our schedule or have no authority to rebuild what Trumpenomics are gearing up for. I do not see a problem for American production and wealth being skimmed for a Germanic leadership in this world that gets America out of the front lines. It is better than being robbed and left for dead., and erased and replaced.

Bessent told WSJ that he believes the president-elect’s strategy to extend tax cuts and deregulate parts of the U.S. economy could lead to an “economic lollapalooza.”

We do not have any say in this, no more than we have one now. This is simply where this is going, you prepare for it and you exploit it to your benefit in your own reserves. As Elon Musk stated, there will be a stock market bust. All that money has to disappear which was over produced by Obama Biden. The same with real estate in over value will plunge. Deflation will be a normal in this adjustment as much as lower gas and energy prices. The people who bitch will be the ones who made out in looting America and left popular girls to become poor orphan girls. I plan to enjoy this live experiment as I have studied the Reagan years and it was magnificent to see what those economic policies did for the forgotten Americans.

There is a glimmer of hope with this fruity boy before God strikes down the abomination in this world of the sodom cult.

Nuff Said
