Sunday, December 15, 2024


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm having a rough time as usual in people not getting things done they should due to the weather and me having one big time of a struggle with TL. No tractor, means a smoking old pick up, with a trailer that we have to pull a round bale off the pile, which due to HAARP are frozen in from that 2 inches of rain in November, and we had slick ice fog from HAARP for 3 days, so I get wet and it is unpleasant as I think the "neighbor" ran his cattle through our fence, did not tell us, so our cattle got out on a cold ass day when we were hauling hay, and had to fix fence and chase cattle, and I simply can not keep up and there is nowhere to turn for help, but God as usual. I really would like it if the stories I heard of Holy Angels doing things, would be Holy Angels delivering hay and feeding cattle, Jesus calming storms and just so I could have rest and peace from the enemies to worship God and do this blog for Him.

As it is, I came across a dead baby in an obituary. Kid was still born, weighed  two and three quarters pounds and was 7.086614 inches long. Great fun for the parents as they try to cover this over with love in having that kid for as long as they did in the womb. Had to bury him on a cold ass day too.

It is all a struggle this life.  I am in no mood for Christmas. I want Jesus to return and am thankful for His coming, but trying to convince myself that all the chit that has happened is not happened, and all the shattered dreams, broken promises and whatever are not what life is, has worn out. I do not want to be made to watch Rudolph. I do not want to have to listen to Christmas songs. I do not want to be made to do things which I am not in any mood for.

I'm cold. I'm tired. I do not care what are the promises of this future from this government and I do not want to wait for the times to get better.

Am weary of being beat up by this world and always being made to wait until I can not take it any more.

I have never been able to reach an explanation about "Where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours" as the Gordon Lightfoot song sings. Jesus said that tower fell on people as towers fall on people in they were no great sinners. I think of the pictures of people suffering from the Dirty 30's to the people and pets of Gaza or anywhere else the world is now cheering mass murder and I know none of those people deserve that anymore than anything I have ever done is a punishment for what I struggle with in Christ.

Struggles grow the Spirit in us for God's Glory.  I can understand the REST part completely as all I want to do is be in Heaven or with Jesus and just go to sleep. I'm tired of being an adult which so many of you handle as I'm tired of always having to find solutions and ways to get through things, even though it is the Holy Ghost doing the thinking.

I do not think I could bury a child and yet those who have had this hurt, do it, are carried by Christ and somehow get through.  We have a whole line of plots of a woman who buried like 5 babies she had back in the day. I don't know how she did not go nuts.

It is the endless Ecclesiastical human misunderstanding meeting the Proverbs of God, if you obey God, good things happen, until Job appears having done it all right and satan destroys his children and all God gave him just to see if Job will sin and reject God.

That seems to be the answer in all of this, which I know, but it makes none of it better, easier or solves anthing. I think of David lamenting if he just had wings of a dove he could fly away. How I would love to run from this terror, but I can't leave cattle to starve as they are pets. I have responsibilities as an adult, here and in real time.

It just pisses me off in that "neighbor" who has been causing problems for me over the years by Grandpas, he sits in luxury and is a real woke prick. I would like to put a rope on him and drag him out into the cold like his livestock and the rest of us suffer in, but that is all illegal and I sit there like the Donna Summer song in working hard of the money is some people seem to have everything and the rest of us have the Widow's mite.

It is all the emotions of the struggle. Anxiety, fear, anger, burning off the emotions, and you sit hollow, nothing has changed in the venting and you still got to go out into the world and struggle on again.

So ABC says Donald Trump raped that weird woman, and now settles for 15 million, 1 million for the lawyers and 15 for Trump library. One hell of allot of money, but that is how it is in money changes hands so easy in those huge amounts in these people and we sit like the critters on Animal Farm, looking at the wall where the Farm Commandments are written and remembering that things were going to be different in the promises, but someone took the whip out and made the hens lay more eggs to pay for their gold hog trough in the house.

15 million like it is trash. Who has that kind of money to hire lawyers to get that kind of money in being wronged? I can't even get in on that Facebook fraud settlement after they stole my account, emailed me tons of posts onto that account in alerts, but tell me I never had an account there.

There is no longer Justice in this world and the few good people, who I think are all camped out on this blog are it in this world. There is no sanity any longer. It is just a cancerous infection which consumes everything and the majority plugged into this relish what is as they are warm, fed, have money to blow on chit as this world rewards them for their aborting kids that other people cherish.

I stopped by the widow of a cousin yesterday, to see if she got a payment from the people who are supposed to be paying for grazing, but she had not seen the check either. ABC has 15 million but not the people who are supposed to pay the bills.
She said her sister was here from Arizona, and exclaimed, "I can't believe your neighbors have that Trump sign up in their yard". She told her, "You are in Republican country now. People have the right to put up signs and support who they choose". There is no tolerance anymore in the majority in their fears, and more to the point these people do not have anything grounded in Christ as they base everything on some celebrity who is not going to help them out anymore than non donors do here and look to the government to keep their bias legal when it is all rigged to make us chimps in the prison.

In writing this I have wasted energy which I did not have. It solved nothing as it is the struggle. Some people are struggling in the woke to keep their sins sacred and some like me are just struggling with the real matters of life in just trying to do the right thing.

Donald Trump got his 15 million. The lawyers got their million. I wonder when any people who struggle will ever get theirs to make the struggle easier. Money does not solve things. Only God in  all things solves things.

God be in our all things.

Nuff Said

Luke 11:46 "Woe to you as well, experts in the law!" He ... - Bible Hub

For you burden men with burdens heavy to bear, and you yourselves do ... You weigh men down with heavy burdens. This phrase paints a vivid picture of ...

