As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I get frustrated at times in these one dimensional assessments about Vladimir Putin which appear from Paul Craig Roberts in his not considering any other projection.
Below you will find him harping again in how Putin has not blown up nations and solved things immediately, without ever considering that Russia is astute in knowing if it took control over states like Syria, it would be exposed to worse terrorism, if it took over Ukraine it would have troops exposed to guerillas killing their people and if it was rolling in tanks to Georgia, this would be a call for NATO into Ukraine.
Russia has an impossible situation on it's hands, by Kaganite design. It though has astutely maneuvered in hypersonic missiles and growing fat in military economics, while it is the West that is stretched thin and is the thin man in the room.
US Opens a Third Front Against Russia
Paul Craig Roberts
The problem with President Putin is that he never finishes anything. He has let Russia’s conflict with Ukraine, which should have ended in three weeks go on for three years and talks about ending it with negotiations, in which he will again be deceived.
He does nothing while the US tries to overthrow the Georgian government and establish a hostile anti-Russian one.
He never finished clearing Syria of hostile forces. Consequently, he left Syria and Russian interests exposed to the current US/Israeli coordinated mercenary attack on Syria, which has overrun Aleppo, Syria’s second largest city, forcing 280,000 Syrians to flee. This is a massive defeat for Syria and Russia. How is it possible that such an obvious thrust was a surprise? Has the inability to perceive threats become a Russian hallmark?
Will Putin ever understand the consequences of his inaction, his tolerance of endless provocations, of US hegemonic intentions against Russia, Iran, and China? What factual basis exists for Putin and Lavrov to think that Washington’s hegemonic intention will fade away? Is Russia’s foreign policy based on hope or on reality?
Vladimir Putin is in a strong position on the board. They are winning in festering sores which are bleeding more resources in the West than they are using. Does this make Russia more vulnerable? Yes, but not as vulnerable as Tel Aviv botching an Iranian attack which exposed American F 35's as visible to Russian radars.
What each of my children and my brats must always assess, is why the other person is doing things, and not putting your bias into the situation as that is what is wrong with CIA analysis of everything, in it is what the woke want or what Paul Craig Roberts wants as he for some reason is fixated on Vladimir Putin not spewing jism quickly in this war sex scene.
As this blog has stated, Russia wins, as long as it does not over extend to an invasion.
So let us see that Romania just nullified legitimate elections, because the pro Russian candidate won. That is weakness in the West. There are 3 carriers facing off China now in the Navy is spread thin as those carriers are sitting ducks. The thin man of the West has been degraded to be weak. It's air force is visible to radars. It's Navy is worthless. It's army is woke faggots and the Pentagon is DEI worthless. That is not much of a threat to Russia in reality and Europe is worse. The point in this is, Russia is not all hyped up about what is taking place as they see now thin this situation is, and are willing to wait for Berlin and the Trump DC overtures to bring a resolution to this.
There is no initiative in the hands of the West. There are only moves to bring about a political solution to Europe which the United States will fund. Russia is just the bear in the woods to put the drama into the villages so they call up the mighty hunter to wave his wang at the forest and they call can have the kind of security they hope for.
So people need to chill. Russia is adding distance to the Hazel, which means it will be able to fully knock out American missiles in the interior without using nukes which will kill allot of Christians and wildlife. Russia is the best enemy Christians have ever had. The dangers are abating and we should be praying that the President elect is successful in getting America out of the frontline in this so we do not get dragged into another world war.
Nuff Said