Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Trump Emancipation

An ad in Georgia, 1862 from a ship.

For Sale:  Negroes, bacon, flour, corn, groceries, etc... Valuable negroes for cash, on time, 40,000 pounds choice bacon, including sides, shoulders and extra hams.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As only the Lame Cherry noted in exclusives in matter anti matter, the situation in America has forever changed by Donald Trump. Whether it is his Jehu emancipation of sodomites into the Republican Party or whether it is the emancipation of the GENS into governance in America, there is a wave as spreading as in Abraham Lincoln's time voiced in Harper's Weekly in 1862 AD in the year of our Lord, which stated, "If anyone supposes that slavery is going to survive this war, he seems to us not rightly understanding human nature".

Donald Trump literally has emancipated the Pro Life movement from fringe to mainstream as the 2024 elections proved in Americans did not buy into the Kamala Obama gambit of baby blood for votes. It was as telling that Donald Trump emancipated the Second Amendment, by default, as the Obama invasion of America to erase and replace Americans, so terrified liberals that they began purchasing firearms in large quantities. Gun control vanished from the Kamala Obama platform as liberals finally had to grasp the gun to defend themselves when they defunded the police in another Obama political disaster.

Donald Trump emancipated Blacks from the plantation which Bush fam drove them to when Ronald Reagan tried to free them. The same is the state of the Latin, now emancipated to an America where the 3rd world they fled, is not going to be overrun with Obama 3rd worlders, displacing them.

This is a remarkable situation which should be historically recorded and has not been mentioned, save this blog, due to the half wits taking the Mockingbird coin, have no appreciation of history or the present that something has forever changed in America again.

As Abraham Lincoln in his war changed These United States to The United States in federalism, Donald Trump is beginning a process of quite Thomas Jefferson republicanism in states rights, meaning people's rights being restored. If Mr. Trump is successful on his Butler mission, he is going to change the entire finance structure of America and bring about the greatest redistribution of wealth back to the people in all history. Wealth in the hands of the many is the greatest weapon against tyranny for a Republican form of governing. Donald Trump with this massive emancipation will achieve this in continuing on, with ending the income tax and moving to a trade tax. Getting the government out of people's wallets is on the long list of emancipations which few yet recognize. Donald Trump has a list, where Lincoln only had one item concerning slavery. Donald Trump's list, emancipates every race, religion and creed, to the basic form of the human right of life, liberty and pursuing work which pleases you.

The world does not have to be a Trump supporter to acknowledge what is. The Lame Cherry is not a Trump cheerleader. I tell you what is out there, the policies in projections and like the sun rising due to earth orbit, these emancipations will continue to unfold as they are a law to themselves in generating prosperity and independence.

This is not the rising sun of many people who have been conditioned to tear everything apart as a con. If they would though open their eyes to the conversation of Pro Life, Constitutional Carry,  Black voters, Latin voters, already as waymarks in this journey, the presence of Donald Trump has changed thee entire narrative in America and it will change the world. Donald Trump like Ronald Reagan will not have to wage wars for the profits of the few, because his economy will be the leverage in the world and his disciples in prosperity will prove to the world that this is the future for everyone. This is a very American message from the origins of America, a benefit to all humanity who embrace the American Constitution.

Donald Trump has already earned the emancipation credit on a number of issues. I hope and pray, as I hope and pray all pray for his success for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, that what he has accomplished will be only the start as the major emancipatory workings are yet to come.

If President Trump 47 accomplishes what his mission is, all those screaming snowflake wokesters will forget they were what they were and claim in 2024, they not only voted for Donald Trump, but convinced others too, as they could see this vision of emancipation.

Nuff Said

