Saturday, December 14, 2024

Great Deceptions


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just remember in this UFO stuff that this is part of the Great Deception. The Board is moving ahead with the agenda of unification. There are of course people who know what is going on and have told the trolls to keep their hands off of this until necessary.

From what I have explained, these are advanced tech from the exile group and appear to have an imprinted synthetic at the control in the common association.

Not going into details as not getting in the way of this as I work for Jesus return.

Trump Posts Call To Shoot Down Mystery UFOs
- ’Shoot Them Down'

Ex MD Governor Posts Footage of 'Dozens of Drones’
Over His House, Demands 'Answers and Action Now'

NJ, NY, Philly UFOs Are Not All Drones - Wake Up
We Are Being Lied To On An Enormous Level - Video

NJ Sheriff Describes 50 UFO Drones Coming
In Over The Ocean

Residents Report Drone Hit High Voltage Lines And
Crashed - Emergency Response There For Hours
But Police Now Say No Drone Crashed - Video

Coppers Claim ‘No Evidence Of Drone Crash’ - All
Those Emergency Vehicles And Personnel Were Just
On Site For Many Hours For Nothing…Hmmm

Former Governor says he saw large drones above
his home 25 miles from Washington, DC

That about wraps this up in the source of this and what is the reasoning.

Nuff Said

Hellsing Ultimate - Broken English
