God's Nature is one thing, human's evil nature, is another.
- Lame Cherry
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
These Trump Derangement Syndrome eggheads are really a bore in an exposure of there absolute head up the ass ignorance.
Yes 47 is now President, and because he has not surrendered to liberals, of course the world is no 1 minute 39 seconds closer to Doomsday.
Doomsday Clock Moves To 89 Seconds - The Closest
Humanity Has Ever Been To Armageddon
As a Protestant Christian I know when Armageddon is and where. I also know when. I know certain events must take place, like the 3rd Temple built, like the Two Witnessed murdered in Jerusalem and left to rot in the streets three days and then risen up to Heaven., Wormwood and a leader emerging in Europe that unites them.
That is allot of events to get wove into 89 seconds...........there are 3 days of darkness, plagues and when you know all of that, we ain't moved closer to the big day.
That about wraps up making pointy heads .....no they are already fools........I just pointed out why they are fools.
Nuff Said