Saturday, February 1, 2025

United To Be Rid Of Invaders



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I listen to the Rense Radio quite often as he and his guests are passionate about their presentations. I had heard his deportation plan and it was posted on his site in an attempt to get 30 plus million invaders out of America as it will take decades to do it the way it is now, and it will cost a fortune.

I'm stating this plan is good or bad, what I'm going to do is point out a few realities.

He wants to give millions of people 1000 dollars cash to get out of America. Which border? Numbers of these people are not from Mexico and would require a ship or plane to get rid of them.

A point if you give millions of people 1000 dollars, allot of criminals will be waiting for them to rob and murder them. That would really hinder self deportation.

Most of these invaders have no idea what toilet paper is. Where they reside, American detention in food, clothing, shelter would be the choice they would make as it is better than what they have, so we would create a indentured class and in the political tides they would soon have citizenship as a reward so we would never get rid of them.
Most would come back across the border to get the 4 years of free housing, clothing, food and protection in America.

The costs of guarding these "workers" would be a huge price tag, as would the costs of housing, feeding, and clothing them. America would have a Nigger class which did not work as the South found out and destroyed them. The entire group is sucking off of government benefits costing billions already. This would be a transfer of Niggers. For that matter, what are we going to do with Mama and her babies? Throw Mama to the work camps and then have to provide child care for invaders? Are we only going to imprison Pepe? How is Mama going to feed herself, protect her vagina from rape and take care of the bambino with Pepe in prison?

In noting the pitfalls above, Mr. Rense might review the film Amazing Grace which moved England to end slavery. It was a simple ruse that Parliament passed in they taxed slavery out of existence in slave ships and everything else. The key weak point in all of this is the corporates who are hiring invaders. You want to stop invasion and get rid of invaders, stop Bush Obama paying religious charities to human traffick them for corporates. Put a 100,000 escrow on every legal worker who is foreigner, incase they kill someone and fine the hell out of all employers to make it hurt, and fine the people who house them, sell them cars and sell them bling. The government starts fining Apple for phones the beaners use and fines Walmart for beaners shopping there and this all shuts down quickly with John Homan doing the round up.

Every plan has it's holes in it, but this is about examining in proper examination ideas we all have to save America. I'm all for confiscating all these invaders have as it mirrors the radical abolitionists who wanted this penalization of the South for slaves and insurrection. I though want not just the Toyota that Pepe is driving. I want the hedgefund portfolio the suit has running the California dairy farm in the Midwest as compensation.

There is no reason when Pepe gets paid 50,000 dollars, that a White, Black and Brown American on merit should not be paid 150,000 dollars a year in this 500,000 dollar housing market working for billion dollar corporates.

Just pointing out things to think about as we all can put forward our ideas and from all of our ideas we can produce a better plan in this for America to the success of President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance.

Yeah I still need donations in doing the work of most media and numbers people who think they are thinking.

Nuff Said

