As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is a diametrical difference between President Abraham Lincoln and President Donald Trump and the reality is in the quote below from Motley, writing to his mother, 1862 AD in the year of our Lord
I think Mr. Lincoln embodies singularly well the healthy American mind. He revolts at extreme signs of the times, and will never go faster than the people at this back. So his slowness seems sometimes like hesitation, but I have not a doubt that when the people wills it, he will declare that will.
In 2015 AD in the year of our Lord, thee American People sought emancipation for the Obama global plantation, a yearning from Americans for Ronald Reagan leadership which was vanquished by Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and again under Biden.
Three times Americans produced a resounding vote for the American Movement and this 3rd time the promises seem to again be rolling back. As this popular girl has always stated, the mark of a real leader is not Obama dragging and criminalizing a public to some perverse politic, but the mark is Abraham Lincoln in getting out in front of where the political winds will blow, and positioning himself there for when the people are ready for that next step. Donald Trump got out in front of the political deliverance which Americans desired and then got in the way. It was expounded upon in Jan6 when Americans were criminalized and hunted down for being Americans, framed as insurrectionists when they were misdemeanor ignorant trespassers.
The New York World in 1863 AD in the year of our Lord, printed and editorial which indeed Mr. Trump shares with Mr. Lincoln, for America was a land of opulence for the few profiteers. Lincoln's golden age was built on debt and Trump's hedge fund age is one of looting of Americans. With all that wealth out there, the World echoed as stunning refrain of wind through the shattered panes of glass in America for the few and not the many.
The quote:
Wait till the diamonds go back to the Jews of Amsterdam, till the plate glass window bears the final announcement, "FOR SALE" or "TO LET", til lthe voice of our Miriam is obeyed as she sings:
"Weave no more silks, ye Lyons looms".
"That great falling which was born of our wealth and of the deadly sin which was our fatal inheritance."
President Donald Trump has a window just as President Abraham Lincoln had a window. That window almost closed upon Mr. Lincoln due to inaction, and forced Mr. Lincoln to move outside the Constitution for America against foreign intrigue. Lincoln was faced with weaponizing slavery and containing radicals, for Mr. Trump, he has no radicals, he has only Americans who are intent on disarming the weaponized invasion against them stealing their lives. The public awaits for Mr. Trump as the public waited upon Mr. Lincoln.
Americans voted three times for ending all wars.
Americans voted three times to be emancipated from this Obama Bush regulated plantation.
Americans voted three times for the return of their country.
Americans voted three times to deport this foreign labor taking our homes, our cars, our jobs, our food, our gas and the inheritance for our children.
Mr. Trump is going to have to feed his public with actions that sustain them. It has been 45 years since Ronald Reagan and America wants him back. It has been 8 long hunted down years for Americans since Americans rejected Bushism for Trump speak, and not even Abraham Lincoln was afforded that much patience and was not afforded a second chance.
Mr. Trump has to begin rewarding Americans first and only. They are a wounded people and need their wounds bound and healed. He does this by keeping his word and the minute he hedges and the minute he favors one group over Americans, he has lost all leadership and the public will shove past him to a relic of failure.
The shadows of the future hold what will be and we will in this short time know what the specter looms as actions will confirm loyalty where words are an empty sound.
Nuff Said