Thursday, January 9, 2025

You can't get into Armageddon if you are not there


If you think you are dealing from your stacked deck and will win, others know what the cards are being dealt, and can turn your tricks to their trumps.

- Lame Cherry

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I desire you to read this one dimensional quote below and the Lame Cherry will explain an alternative. For the record, these are not House of Joseph English nor Americans. These are instead Normans, Norman Quisling and their Bulan pawnshop dealers.  They are alien to the House of Israel and House of Judah.

Read on and meet you on the other side.

 Tel Aviv prefers a polarized and war-torn Syria, unable to do anything to prevent territorial progress in the Golan and beyond. Washington, which is subservient to Israeli interests through the international Zionist lobby, is interested in the same – along with, of course, fostering Kurdish terrorists to worsen the internal Syrian situation even further.

In other words, Western analysts still do not understand that the decision-makers of the unipolar axis simply do not want to solve Europe’s problems. It is not in the US’ interest that its “partners” in Europe regain cheap energy and a strong industrial base. For Washington, the collapse of Europe is not a tragedy but a strategic goal, whose roots lie in the science of geopolitics itself. According to the fundamentals of Western geopolitics, Russian-European integration would be disastrous for the US-UK Atlantic axis. Therefore, in the face of Russia’s imminent military victory and Moscow’s rehabilitation as a Eurasian geopolitical power, the Americans and the British have adopted a “scorched earth” strategy in Europe.

Sanctions, the terrorist attack on Nord Stream, and the closure of the Ukrainian route to Europe are events that are part of the same strategic context: in all these cases, Anglo-American strategists want to provoke an energy collapse in Europe to enable deindustrialization and the subsequent economic and social crisis. The final goal is a ruined Europe, not only unwilling but also incapable of establishing any future strategic ties with Moscow.

With the fall of the Ukrainian gas route, it can be said that the US won an important battle in its economic war against Europe. The total collapse is merely a matter of time.

Now say you are like you, now informed of what is going on with the Normans and Bulans, informed like the Germans are, like Russia is. Are you just going to sit there and play a rigged game or are there things you can do for your interests to stick it up these stacked decked asses?

The key in every situation in life which you have faced is not having a deck stacked for you, but your ability to play the best hand you can in winning the way life is played against you.

Now if you are the Reich, having gone into exile from the 3rd Reich, have been in corporate guiding the 4th Reich, and are moving to establishing the 5th Reich, how would you play this Norman Bulan deck?

Might you not let it go forward to a European collapse, where exactly like Adolf Hitler, move into power as the savior of the European people? You can't get into power with these wimps all over Europe, so you need a would seem that President Vladimir Putin would be an asset in this of a fear factor to get your peoples to submit to your Roman Glory Reborn.

Now if you are Russia, is not it in your interest knowing the Jews of the world in Bulan are going to milk the United States to the last drip of milk, that these Normans lust to rule the ashes of the world and that your European borders are secure in this collapse and all you have to fidget with is China which is going to die out by 2050 anyway. So you play the long game and wait for the collapse by these vile trolls, as let us face the facts..........the elimination of London, New York and Tel Aviv clears the board and you win.

So the Lame Cherry believes God, believes the Bible. The Bible predicts that the Roman Empire will come back in the End Times. It predicts that this empire glued together by the Pope in the Whore of Babylon, will invade the Mideast, references to north Africa, meaning all that oil and gas there would come in handy in fueling their Reich, freeing them from Russia.
All it will take is flattery as the Normans and Bulan in arrogance will think they can manage all of this as the buffer for Russia.

The fact is that the British are not jack or shit without America. Tel Aviv is not jack or shit without America. This duo want Russia's resources to prop up their dictatorships. It is the disconnect in this of pinning America and not having Russia which causes the pause which the Reich ascends with. You know the end of this in this assembles by God at Armageddon in a war against Jesus as they are all anti Jesus in this.

This is why 47 in any scenario gets the hell away from Russia and war, and gets the hell away from Tel Aviv and wars in the Mideast. Build the bombs, sell them to all, and get the hell out of this clap trap for the stinky nether.

The House of Joseph is the Anglo Americans. The English want no part of this chit no more than Americans do, as that is why they by God voted 3 times for Trump to get the hell out of this shitfest.

In having the insights to thee above, 47 being played by this deck is going to find nothing but defeat, ruin and sabotage from his "allies". By God's Grace I have explained and continue to tell you how this is going to work out in my residing in the future. If 47 continues to go Jew and not German, moves London and not Moscow, America will be scorched out according to what George Washington was shown. This is the prelude to America must deal herself out, and let the Eurasians play their last hands out to extermination.

You can't get into Armageddon if you are not there.

-Lame Cherry

Nuff Said

