As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
President Donald Trump faces many of the echoes of Christmas past as the same moneychangers and power brokers who were instigating wars and the downfall of America in Abraham Lincoln's time are the same forces at work who tried to blow President Trump's head off in Butler PA in the same way a bullet was put into the head of President Lincoln at Ford's Theater, after he was manipulated into attending that play by a newspaper stating he would attend that morning.
What the Lame Cherry is guiding each of you is into an education. Not the nonsense of Ken Burns Civil War Negroism, but the reality of what was the Civil War which had nothing to do with the slaves, but had to do with an imploded Whig party of New England, backed by JP Morgan banking with European Rothschild finance via August Belmont to make money off of Niggers who picked cotton, and in that money, the Southern Planter arose to great political power in the Federal Government by their array of most capable politicians who refused to subjugate themselves to Yankee Imperialism in Dixie.
When the Lame Cherry states THE FEUDAL FEW, that is what I'm speaking of now, as nothing has changed from the days of Lincoln. America still has what is the Norman or British banking control of America by the Fed with Jewish finance in the hedgefunds gaining monopoly control of corporations when they were influxed by Bush43 and Obama with huge Treasury dumps of electronic money to buy up stocks "to stabilize the markets". This huge skimming operation goes on today in every transaction on Wall Street is skimmed by this J Street group for Tel Aviv financing.
Gone though is the Southern Planter, the Aristocracy which is named below as the billionaire ghouls like George Soros, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, become Non Governmental Entities in producing economic war and rapine, with moving government agencies to attack Americans as George Clooney's foundation did with Scott Ritter, as much as what Ford Foundation accomplished in conditioning foreigners to invade America, once Obama caused a deliberate meltdown of the 3rd world and flushed millions of those people into America to erase and replace Americans. The war this time is not the Southern Planter as the Aristocrat, but the Global Aristocrat at war against Americans who are now held in inflation bondage.
In this Trump era war, the Yankee moneychangers have joined with the hedge aristocracy to make war on America with Americans held slaves, no matter their race. This is the battle which Donald Trump was elevated to office for a 3rd time in this Emancipation of Americans from a minority group, which is what railroad builder John Murray Forbes wrote to President Lincoln, pleading for this to be a central issue in government rhetoric policy to educate both North and South what was in control of the insurrection. The same insurrection that the feudal few framed Trump supporters with in having a well planned agenda to destroy American independent wealth by political intimidation.
Meet you on the other side.
An aristocracy rule the South and controlled it for war, believed Forbes, pointing to "the aristocratic class who own twenty Negroes and upwards", as numbering about 18,000 persons which is about 178th part of 5,000,000 Whites. So Forbes urged, "Let the people North and South, see this line clearly defined between the people and the aristocrats, and the war will be over!"
Forbes would have the President know that people at a distance had seen this issue clearer than those in the midst of it. "Our friends abroad see it, John Bright and this glorious band of English republicans see what we are fighting for democracy: or (to get rid of the technical name) for liberal institutions.. The democrats and liberals of the Old World are as much and as heartily with us as any supporters we have on this side.
Our enemies see it too, this in the same light. The aristocrats and the despots of the Old World see that our quarrel is that of the people against an aristocracy. If our People of the North can be made to see this truth, this rebellion will be crushed for want of Northern support, which it has had from the wolves under the sheep's garments of sham democracy, who have misled large bodies of unthinking and ignorant but generally honest Northern men.
John Murray Forbes
Quoted in Carl Sanberg's Lincoln at War
In the above, we find the understanding of General William Tecumseh Sherman in writing to President Lincoln of the threat and danger the planters were in leading thoughtless masses into war, for their cotton benefit and their dictatorship. This group had fathered a Praetorian Guard for their aristocracy, and they all were natural warriors on horseback and on foot. They had three loves; women, horses and war, and not necessarily in that order.
This is what commanded the South and inspired with Southern Belle's the Confederal Soldier who outfought a sedentary Union officer group more intent on their political fiefdoms of liberalism than on Lincoln's battles.
Nothing has changed in this from Lincoln's era to the Trump age, in what was supposed to be used to husband and nurture America, was horded by the few and used against the United States and the Citizen. The crop now planted is not cotton, but Wall Street speculation in stocks and bitcoin, with electronic money printing, robbing Americans and piling up trillions in these few who control the levers of all government. This is what President Donald Trump has moved to change to benefit Americans in a restoration of the system
What must be the epitome is the Truth and the Truth in this is that Jewry as explained in Haaretz played a nefarious part in slavery, slave trade and profits from cotton, as their bankers joined with New York finance to sell cotton to European mills in England and France, where White slaves were killed off with brown lung disease from breathing in cotton fibers if the mill did not catch on fire and burn them all alive.
That is what is behind these charges of anti semitism in this London, New York and J Street finance, to cover up their past and to screen their present in who the feudal few are, in behind all of this, driving this filleting pounds of flesh off the American cow as she no longer can produce enough milk for their globalist rapine.
The simple Truth is Jews in 1860 were more prevalent as slave owners in urban areas, because they were better at business and had the money, just as Jewry today is dominant beyond their minority position in the population in everything from media, to sports ownership to appointments in government. It is why Congress is so obedient to things against Americans, because each have a J Street minder reminding them to be Ziongelicals for Tel Aviv and a JP Morgan bribe ordering them that they have to vote for billions of bombs and appropriations to flow to the right benefactors or they will be out of Congress.
The Uncomfortable Truths of Jewish Life in the U.S. South - Haaretz
Abraham Lincoln deferred in the recommendation of John Murray Forbes, explaining to Forbes that Forbes was in a better position to educate the public. Mr. Lincoln was savvy as he knew once he started pointing to Southern Aristocrats, the South would start educating the Americans in pointing out Yankee bankers and Jewish finance which was acting to exterminate them for political power. President Trump faces the same reality in he can talk about the deep state in their police state control, but he dares not mention the hedgefund monopolies who own the police state and are the dictatorship as controlling as that which the Southern People were under bondage of by the Planters.
Once again you have received PHD in history and economics here in a few paragraphs explaining what America faced and what American faces for your enlightenment and understanding.
*Note: This same group of the railroad tycoons would expand the finance cult which would sell Americans, English, Canadians to slaughter for profits in world wars, for German Lutheran erasure for this Norman Bulan aristocracy, and is what is still moving events and destroying the world today.
They imported slave Germans to turn wilderness into farms for profit and now are in process of exterminating landowners for conglomerate robotic farming for control.
Nuff Said