As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Most of you need a refresher course to reality. Just a generation ago, the big lament was that the elite wanted to put a nuke into Jupiter, so there would be light 24 hours a day, so people could be exploited to never stop working in producing things.
This sounded bad, but when one considers what these nation rapists engage in now, their first and last thought is how to destroy something to make money off of it. Image instead of weather warfare that the Weather Mods made nice days, so people would be more productive and produce more and make the elite more money. Now it is how Goddamn cold they can make it to sell heating energy to fleece the poor. Imagine instead of depressing people, to control them, they made them happy, so they actually were occupied with doing things productive so they did not need to be controlled.
That is what is wrong with this satanist generation of the Bill Gates prototype. He ruins Windows so you have to buy more operating systems, instead of making people happy, with old 16 bit games which should be able to run on any operating system. He ruins it to steal from people after addicting them to a product called the internet.
This is what is the problem in the old order used to look at Germans coming to America to exploit them to make farms in the wilderness to make fortunes off handling their crops. Now it is import some taco nigger, to loot the Treasury in Biden cash cards which are nothing but a toxic cancer of debt to ruin civilization. These elite are thee most uncivilized lot on the planet. They are running genocide in Ukraine and holocaust in Gaza. They manage it like they used to manage niggers picking cotton for New York banking two centuries ago, for the White niggers in France and England dying from brown lung in the cotton looms there for the rich.
The outlook of the elite has all changed. They are not the least bit human. Their very minds are corrupt in they look how to destroy things, instead of how to exploit things for profit which was the normal thing not that long ago in the Cecil Rhodes mindset. They will exterminate this planet, the Bible says and you can see why. They should all be wiped out and Jesus says He will do the wiping at Armageddon.
Just a reminder to you, and to the useful eaters who they really are and how absolutely the antithesis of what their fathers were.
Nuff Said