I'm running the 2028 campaign against Trump
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Obama Recession which the United States has begun for Donald Trump in this cutesy democratic shell game of immense debt, a stock market implosion and high gas prices, is the agenda to pin Donald Trump down so that he can not move on MAGA policies.
The short of this is, Joe Biden is raising your gas prices 5 cents a gallon for Ukraine Nazis.
The new sanctions against Russia will only impact Americans and enrich the same HAARP fuel barons driving up your heating costs with manufacture cold waves as Big Chem gets paid billions in DARPA operations to supply these endothermic reaction chemicals.
Now Hal Turner holds his readers hostage in teasing the scorched earth statements of Russia until they donate. I operate on God's Trust System here in telling you things and your being honorable and donating
Turner says it costs him around 100,000 a month or year to bring his readers news. Most times he gets that from people.
Russia Tells USA: Your next President ". . . will inherit a Scorched Earth"
Most times I do not, and it gets confusing as hear people quoting this blog and policy being formed on what this blog posts.
Maybe I can put this into perspective. My GMC is 30 years old. It was leaking anti freeze. Took it in and as things were torn apart, it was an intake manifold gasket leak, the manifold is pitted so will be replaced. 750 bucks, and I got below zero temperatures.
How would you like in chem snow poison, have to go out and move 1500 pound round hay bales? How would you like to do this with a come along winch by hand, ramming a pry bar into the back of the bale, winching it up on a JYG torn down horse trailer, being pulled behind a 500 dollar junk pickup, stuck in 4 wheel drive and with a leaky valve so it smokes like a chimney, and I get to do this when it happens to warm up between HAARP terrorism.
What have you been up to the past month? Luxury or struggling. I struggle every day. I live on generic advil as I do not have the luxury to take off and recover. I burn wood to keep warm to save money so I can pay bills to fix things on 30 year old vehicles and take the advice of Fernando not put money into a smoking Ford, which will not shift into 3 gear, goes only 20 miles an hour, and it has no heater, but it all I have to feed with, as I have only shit for turds vaxed Biden voting rich neighbors who run my cattle off, but I follow God and do not retaliate, trusting in God avenging me, including on non donors who have the bucks.
Nuff Said