Sunday, January 12, 2025

Mark Zuckerberg Admits He Helped Murder People


I see Joe Rogan has a new girlfriend.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not get this Joe Rogan playing kiss ass with Mark Zuckerberg in JuDick Fluter Playing, but for the 3 hours Mark Zuckerberg who is apparently running scared he is going to be indicted by coming Attorney General Pam Bondi, is really admitting to criminal realities which got allot of people murdered and bankrupted.

Zuckerberg states he joined with the Biden regime to censor information on Facebook in the dangers of taking the vax. Put this another way, if the government was handing out cyanide to people, and told Facebook to not publish people who had information that cyanide was lethal, and people died, that is aiding in homicide.

Facebook helped ruin allot of people and careers, and that goes to financial legalities.

Meet you on the other side.

He also voiced regret for complying with requests to censor content on ideological grounds, particularly content related to COVID-19 while the Biden administration was pushing for COVID-19 vaccine uptake. He traced the rise of ideological censorship online to Trump’s election in 2016, which came alongside Brexit, and to the 2020 pandemic.

“We did generally defer to the government on some of these policies that in retrospect I probably wouldn’t, knowing what I know now,” he said.

“These people from the Biden administration would call up our team and like scream at them and curse,” Zuckerberg said.

This Zuckerberg is running scared. He has run a terror network since Obama handed him the NSA cash to entrap Americans and silence them. His fear has him admitting to things that his lawyers should have stopped him from admitting. You can't use the Nazi defense in Hitler told me to do it. Zuckerberg can not say Biden told him to do things, and then not be criminally aiding in the actions which harmed millions of Americans.

Mark Zuckerberg, like Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates should be indicted on a million plus counts of mass murder. Facebook should be seized along and put into receivership. Every penny Mark Zuckerberg has should be confiscated as it was all NSA and CIA taxpayer money which funded this Ponzi Scheme of fake ads, and the money should be handed over to Americans.

Frankly I am pleased that Mark Zuckerberg has admitted his assistance in high crimes. It makes it easier at his trial to just play the Joe Rogan clips and for a Tribunal to find him guilty.

This little twerp has been holding my Facebook account for years.  He has cost me money. He continues to terrorize me by endlessly sending me emails about people updating on my page to bother me. It is past time that Mark Zuckerberg be treated as he has mistreated millions of people in having everything taken from him, and locked into a cell where the Warden keeps sending a message, "Your comment is subject for further review".
