Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Braxton Bragg

And the fact he used the name “Fort Bragg” tells [everyone] the Pentagon is in great hands.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry praises and blesses and is thankful to God for President Donald Trump for appointing Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense. In his opening remarks to the Pentagon, he deliberately named Fort Bragg by it's name and not the woke epitaph which pissed on every American which has been changing names and removing statutes of Teddy Roosevelt.

… on missile defense sites and aircraft carriers. Our job is lethality and readiness and warfighting.

NO more focus on DEI and wokeism!

Most of you have no idea who this Confederate General was as the focus was always on General Robert E. Lee. In effect, there were 3 wars going on in America all at the same time. Robert E. Lee commanded in Virginia, after Joseph Johnston was wounded there. Johnston would in recovery be operational in the Southeast. This would leave the border state area of Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri to a most trusted war hero in Braxton Bragg. I'm not going to delve into the diploma or resume, but on to the reality that after Lee's setbacks at Antietam and Gettysburg, the war general the South hung everything on was Braxton Bragg  who was supposed to secure the Cumberland region for the South and then threaten an invasion of the Ohio as Stonewall Jackson had advocated.

Braxton in a masterful maneuver of Napoleon sized armies, which included General Longstreet and General Hill from Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, converged on Union General Rosecrans Army of the Cumberland by surprise. Bragg who had been outmaneuvered by Rosecrans out of Chattanooga earlier was now the one in motion and he smashed the Union army center and wing. He would have secured the South as a nation if not for another Virginian in General George Thomas who held with 25,000 men, against Bragg's 50,000. The Union was saved that day.

After Rosecran's retreat, Bragg was busy in cutting supply lines and communications. He was going to do to Rosecrans what Grant had done to Pemberton at Vicksburg in starving the Union out.

The Union had huge problems. General Burnside of Ohio, wanted out of the war, and when Lincoln told him to go to Rosecrans, he agreed, but as Lincoln said, "Every time you say you are going to Rosecrans, you are moving the other direction".

Rosecrans had dithered all summer, and now Lincoln removed him and put General Grant in charge. Lincoln had gained in himself a knowledge of warfare, and as in the east, General Meade was refusing to fight General Lee, Lincoln took 25,000 troops from there and moved them to Tennessee under General Hooker. General Sherman was on the march from the South to Tennessee and Bragg in his siege of Chattanooga had position but not the time which Grant had trenched for at Vicksburg.

Grant took command, and understood that if he tried to retreat across the river, he would be wiped out by Bragg. Bragg was in superb position on Look Out Mountain, Missionary Ridge with rifle pits out front.

The Confederates noted that the Union Army marched out to the field as if on parade, but soon had drawn into skirmishing lines and were advancing. The first waves took the rifle pits. General Grant watched as those were his orders, but soon noted that the boys in blue were charging up the mountain.

Grant asked Thomas if he had given the order to advance. Thomas answered he had not. The call went out to find out who had ordered the charge, no one had. The Union army simply was so driven that they took off on their own, and they kept climbing, fighting, and winning positions. It was as if they were mountain goats leaping upward and in the end they had routed General Bragg's army to their defeat.

I believe this was the turning point in the war when Jesus, the Lord of Battle, pronounced that the union would prevail as one America and not two. This was a battle which the South should have not bee pried loose from their positions and yet they were. Assessment of this as that Bragg had so bullied and controlled this army that it collapsed, but General Daniel Hill who fought at Chickamauga in Tennessee, stated that before that battle, the Southern Soldier had flair and dash like they always had, but after that battle, they were quitters. Chickamauga was a murderous battle in more dead in the South and North than ever before and it broke the will to fight in the South, so that even with position the Southern spirit had nothing left to draw from and collapsed in the battle above the clouds.

Braxton Bragg like all the leading Confederate leaders was a hero to America before the war and during the war. Like General Hood, at Fort Hood Texas, these were heroes to States Rights and the reason the Union named military forts after them, was to heal the wounds of the war in reconciliation. As a little girl in Maryland upon seeing General Lee sighed, "I wish he was ours", the fact is all of these Americans were the northern peoples, in the absolute respect and honor they earned on the battlefield. This Goddamn globalist woke shit which was set loose to divide America again has been cut off in the start of this by Secretary Hegseth with vigor as no one else could have delivered this message.

The US military is going to deploy against foreign invasion our borders, against insurrection again if necessary and it is going to be moulded as it should be in the words of the Secretary to be LETHAL, READY and to MAKE WAR, if necessary. The US military is not a nation building nor a civil experiment in deviant sex. The military has one purpose and that is to when the politicians fail or when Frank Roosevelt starts a war for socialist dominion, to destroy the enemy quickly with as little destruction to the US military as possible.

General Grant once stated that he admired the South for it's silencing the croakers. That is the people who are chronic bitchers. In the article linked to, there are X accounts with croakers spewing hate at the Secretary.  That is pleasing because when the finding appears confirming the United States is under invasion and has insurrectionist elements in resistance to the Government. Sec. Hegseth will then harken to the time of Abraham Lincoln's Sec of War, Edward Stanton a Democrat, who signed piles of arrest warrants for treason and dispatched the Provost Marshal to courts to inform judges thinking they were immune to being pulled off of benches, that the Provost Marshal, representing the President to the United States and backed by the US military, would restore order to America, even in the courts.

I hope that Secretary Hegseth has allot of pens for the necessary arrest warrants to be signed to save America.

In closing, I hope that in these name restorations that President Trump obliterates the racist slur of Barack Hussein Obama in removing the name from assassinated Christian President William McKinley in the worst Goddamn anti American action, and naming it for some Indian in Alaska.

Nuff Said

A Mighty Fortress is Our God (Hymn 53) - YouTube

Nov 4, 2022 ... 1. A mighty fortress is our God, A bulwark never failing; Our helper He, amid the flood Of mortal ills prevailing. For still our ancient foe ...
