Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Canada Moves to Seize Minnesota and Alaska


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The slave masters of Ontario have revealed their stupidity in saying they want to buy Minnesota and Alaska. Canada does not have the money to buy Minneapolis or Nome, little alone entire states.

The Lame Cherry tells these Ottawa pricks, to just keep talking with their American Hate Speech. Canadians who are mostly Americans exploited in their move into Canada, can hoist their American Flags and sing the Star Spangled Banner and begin applying to President Donald Trump to send in the troops to emancipate Canada, the way President Lincoln sent in the troops to emancipate the slaves in the Confederacy.

Canadians are touchy, eh?

Ontario Premier Doug Ford fired back at President-elect Donald Trump’s calls for Canada to join the United States as its 51st state by countering with a surprising offer: for the Great White North to purchase Alaska and Minnesota.

"You know something, to the president, I'll make him a counteroffer: How about if we buy Alaska and throw in Minnesota and Minneapolis at the same time?" Ford told reporters during a Monday press conference, addressing Trump’s looming threat of U.S. tariffs against Canada.

Keep talking you American hating liberals. Thee Americans will annex Canada and pack your asses back to London with Prince Harry to where you belong and enforce the Monroe Doctrine as the Americas will be free of foreign dictators.

What a stupid Trudeau voter. Probably thought Obama was the second coming too.

Nuff Said
