Thursday, January 9, 2025

Thank You Mr. President Elect For American Balance


God bless you Mr. President, as Jesus was a converted Jew,
may you bless the world for Him too.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry praises President Elect Donald Trump for being balanced and fair concerning American interests, alongside of Jewish interests and for that matter Iranian, Russian, German and Canadian interests.

That is all Americans want is our rights. We are a fair people, as fair as Mr. Trump in we have overflowing compassion for all peoples, but we feel abused and are abused when little despots take our money, our bombs, and then pass laws to put us into prison for criticizing genocide, holocaust and in this Jewry.

As long as New York, Tel Aviv, Kiev and whatever does not get us involved in wars, depletes our defense, robs our stock markets, threatens us, kills Americans or attempt to tarnish America in a false flag, what a Bulan Jew does is their own right and will have to answer and deal with the people they do not make peace with and attack. It is not American interest or America's responsibility to be the big guy who finishes the fight when Tel Aviv starts it.

In this, perhaps Donald Trump should start floating the idea to Ziongelicals of a Bulan Tariff, a sort of payback for these wars and assistance, directly from these hedgefunds which are making trillions and from dual citizens Jews. They want to be citizens of Tel Aviv, there should be a tax on them then.

This is not unheard of as if you live in Kansas, and work in Missouri, you will be taxed in both Kansas and Missouri on income tax in those regressive states. There should be a dual citizen tax to pay for these wars from Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, Philistia and Lebanon which is Tel Aviv generated.

Listen, London taxed slavery out of existence.  Taxes can be good. Start taxing these dual citizens for Jewish wars, and that tax will begin to be a factor to stop wars by Tel Aviv and Kiev, and force a negotiated peace which we all can live with.

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I really do not care if the President Elect is just being political and throwing us a bone. That is fine as that is all I really desire, is to just be heard, and to be placated by 47 as he has his Jew bills to pay. It is good for Iran to hear this that 47 is not interested in blowing them up as that might keep Iran from being framed like Jan6ers were if something goes off in America planted by Mosaad.

As every Protestant Christian should pray, God bless you Mr. President Elect, God bless you and your family. God bless your Administration, God bless the Vice President and his family, for God to bless America, in Jesus Name Amen and Amen

Nuff Said

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