Monday, January 6, 2025

evil tools of satan


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As a matter of Faith, I have shared from time to time the numbers of people who have been struck down by God to help those in knowing God does avenge Himself on people who hurt His children.

The past years have been traumatic for us, in we had volunteered to help restore a quite evil uncle who cheated us out of our inheritance when God struck him down.........yes was our prayer and am not for non donors going to explain the simple solution in what we prayed in Jesus Name.

All through this I was dumbfounded as this second cousin kept appearing, acting like he was supposed to be hanging around and this guy was not kosher at all. He once embezzled a load of cash from an insurance company with his buddy, and the only reason it did not go anywhere is their partner was the kid of the guy who owned the insurance company. The money was paid back.

In that, they tried to swindle another relative out of her home, left her to die in bed in her own excrement and that was undone too.

So I was not going to get close to this guy. He though persisted in appearing and was giving people permission to go on my Grandpa's place when it was not allowed. It turns out that my cousin who was buying the place, had trusted her brother and he was the asshole who was working through this other cousin.

Little by little in doing the right thing, the renters were removed who were in on trying to get this place which was ours. It got to the point though that the brother tried to burn down the house for insurance money......yes the second cousin and his brother I believe were in on it, and more to the point we stopped it, as they had shoved a fridge against a thermostat and then piled cardboard boxes on that by the furnace to start the accidental fire.

About this time, the prick neighbor said he thought we had left taking care of the place, but we were back, and this was because the brother had let people think he had run us off. This might seem complicated, but the center of this is, about this time, the duo figured out that the brother who was telling everyone he was in charge, was not in charge of jack or shit.

I remember the one brother in a cafe, studying us hard as we paid our bill. I knew his thoughts in he just could not figure out how we had outmaneuvered them as these are some devious people, with drug connections.

About this time, I think they got worried about that arson thing and what I knew as that is what they were studying, and I believe they hatched some plan to murder me, to get me out of the way.

That kind of evil is something God does not condone, and this is the reality of the story in the original prick stroked out and almost died. That was wonderful as the original brother no longer had anyone to do things for him on the farm place. Then a few weeks later, the other duo got cancer and was in no shape to do anything. 
He died about 6 months later and as I write this, in November, the original bob just died. Two horrid people dead. It did take a few years and more struggle than I wanted as I wanted to give up, but the Lord avenged His Name.

It is kind of amusing in one several people have commented to me, that it has been a bad year for that family. I just nod and agree, and can no say a word that this was God and He was getting rid of evil people.

I can not say that God has killed every person who has made themselves an enemy of mine. I know most have sunk to a hard time in life though and frankly, I don't need people dead, as long as they are not causing me problems, they can stroke out and languish. In fact this stroke guy, after this saga, the reason he is dead, he yanked out his tubes in the hospital, after 2 more strokes, said this was not living, and be basically killed himself.

Now I see the people saying what a great guy he was. Yeah, dopers and people who are not the kind of people I will ever have anything to do with. I know what these people did, what they were and I doubt they are in Heaven. That is up to God. They ceased being problems and threats to me, and I'm very thankful for that ending of stress.

I know King David says that enemies are looked for and not found after awhile and it is true. I have new ones popping up and they are going down hill and quite bitchy in their slide as even being rich, things are not going to their dictates.

When I get upset with God not doing things, I just know that God is the only place for me, and He has some reason which is being worked out. It does not please me, but God with Job wanted to see if he would stick it out in hard times. Job did not have a lifetime of it, as I have been in sorrow over, but I have some trophies to recall and thank God for. It would be nice to have a spoil of these enemies and enjoy life watching them suffer, instead of struggling, but I will stay with God as He is my future and I can post things to help in Faith that God will work things out in avenging you.  I bless that vax to help eliminate the tools of satan faster.

Nuff Said
