Monday, January 6, 2025

the age of trump

Explanations explanatory of things explained.
President Abraham Lincoln 1863 AD in the year of our Lord

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We have entered the Trump Age now and in this, the President 45 and 47 is more set in cement than Abraham Lincoln in his minority situation in the 1860 in attempting to hold insurrections and extremists in one hand.

This is a frank private discussion here among mother and her children. It is a point that we have witnessed a triad of power now holding 47 as their 100% and none of them holding that. Again to be frank, after Butler the Reich appeared and settled the issue of Donald Trump becoming President for their European vision. Into this American Jewry purchased the dominating position that New York comes first and Tel Aviv second and Kiev is not on the paper. Lastly the technicrats brought into this a minor position to serve the Reich with coin and imported Indian cut and paste codex.

The events which took place in Las Vegas and New Orleans, are being covered up again in their source. We have if you break this down, US Army special forces, the noted Trump Tower was a German name, German red whiskers and German stationed. That would lead one to conclude that someone is pointing the direction at Germans to unseat them. That would be Peter Thiel's position in the Reich, with Musk and Vance.

The only logical assessment of this as Mike Flynn of DIA appears again warning of mounting violence which is not mounting and CIA plants warns of a 1000 sleeper Iranian cells, that we have false flags coming and there will be a crackdown.

This crackdown has two mothers in wombs and only one bastard child will emerge. The Reich will use this to establish it's order and Tel Aviv in Mosaad appears to want to hunt down White Americans who do not like genocide and holocaust funded by DC for Kiev and Tel Aviv.

This blog has mentioned previously that the factions of Jewry are at war. In the Russian revolution, one had London Rothschilds with their European cousins at odds with their people led by the Schiff's of New York. New York won that and Russia was destroyed for plunder by communists.

In Donald Trump, we have Russian Jews investing in Kushner and Trump Inc. We have Tel Aviv sleeping in Jared's bed. We have Miriam Adelson owning Trump 47 by donations. We have Neocon plotting. Kaganite sabotage and European Rothschilds being picked off with death as Kiev is the poor child who got it's 30 pieces and still has millions of Orthodox slavs to slaughter in Ukraine and Russia to establish their empire.

This is the chimera of Donald Trump. The stories are circulating now that Ivanka convinced the President to convert to her Rabbi Shneersen sect of Orthodox and he did. For that conversion there was not much protection as Butler with Kaganites and the fag hedgers tried to take his head off for a public display and to unleash disorder. Donald Trump is now in a religion of factions and all demand to rule to the bowing of the other sect. There is no dividing Solomon's baby in this to settle this. There is already conflict and will be conflict as the schism of this religion of 47 is that Kiev represents the world empire with money and the Tel Aiv New York sect represents the religious empire with money. By words and deeds, Mr. Trump has prayed in New York and offered all to Tel Aviv, while putting the Kiev empire as a European adventure he desires to be shed from.

We have then the reality of the warning of this blog over a decade ago in Obama's Muslim wars will come into America. They have. We now have Jewish banking collapsing China. Kiev Jewry going genocide on Russia. HedgeJew owning Ukraine, Russia is dominating and winning where it matters, while leaving debt and chaos for America to be weighed down by in the Mideast. China is pressing hard in the Pacific and elsewhere. All of the above with the additional Jewish factions are all now in America and at war inside the United States. They are involved in taking the pounds of flesh off the dead American Virgin's corpse.

Donald Trump, unlike Abraham Lincoln can not be an honest broker, no more than Lincoln was viewed as honest by the South when it was Abolitionists who installed him for war with the South to break their political domination. Lincoln held his radicals at bay. Mr. Trump has instead been spokesman for the radicals in threatening Muslims and turning aside when Tel Aviv is carving up Syria with Turkey.

This can not end well for Americans. There can not be a Trump Golden Age with people being doxed and criminalized to their firing by the ADL, as the tip of an ending Free Speech, as we have bombings going off in a war in America between contenders, and everyone has it in their interest that violence can be exploited to get a crackdown to get what they want. The biggest target in this is Jew York City for it's concentration and it's books holding the records of all the looting of America. The American Jew has a son in the White House and has won control, while another faction has become violent against a German faction which will not accept defeat, no more than Russia or China will.

The glaring scapegoat in this will be Iran to drive this forward again. That means more violence against Americans as the Indian card is being played by all the Swammie appointments and favor to hold India as an ally against China, so the Bombay boys die instead of war in America. No one quite sees that the detonation has already taken place in blowing all of this apart, but if you stop and feel, you can sense the effect of the violent fragmentation in the future.

The Lame Cherry is only presenting an American reality, as Abraham Lincoln noted that the Republican Party could not be dismembered and remain the Republican Party. There is no condemnation in this, only the reality that each of you reading this remains informed of what is out there and where this is all moving to, as this kind of volatile reality, matched with people who will only accept 100% is not going to produce the American Dream we were promised again in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord.

The first twilights last gleaming in this is Donald Trump did not say a word about HAARP plunging temperatures and driving up heating costs. You can not ever lower grocery prices when thee American People have just been robbed, which was HAARP's, the globalists and big energy's plan with big chem. Every store has higher heating, every warehouse has higher heating, and it all gets passed onto you. For the record, America never recovered from the Obama Super Depression and this nation is in a recession. The recession will deepen in this first quarter over 3 dollar liquid natural gas. That Kiev Jew compounded this with cutting supplies to Europe to drive up fag hedgefund prices on energy.

This blog has stated that the scheme Mr. Trump has spoken about will work, but he is on the leash of the above monopolies and their financial benefactors. At present he has lost momentum in the economy, the Russians are winning and he is on a leash in the Mideast.

This is not about doom and gloom. This is about  realities that unless American policies are engaged in, this engagement is not going to be a honeymoon, but instead all of us locked out the plantation house again by the massa.

Rick Wiles Of Tru-news Reported, Years Ago,
Trump Converted To Judaism - He Is
The First Jew President

Celebrating the Jew Band: Nuclear Assault ~ Inherited Hell

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Nuff Said

