“Not what they want but what is good for them.”
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As this popular girl proved correct in 2015 in what was required, there is something which requires from my residence in the future what is required a decade later.
The consequence of Donald Trump means little, because who comes after him, in whether JD Vance matures or does not heed the lesson of history, the reality is, that unless Christ appears, or to the wetware, unless the Saxon race rises up to the salvation of America, that who is going to be required is a Cromwell, as America has never had such a person in the executive.
The order is not to make America great again. The order is not to save America. The order is that person who of necessity must evolve in the Protestant Christian ethos who will convince all that Donald Trump is a moderate, to respond to what is there in a generation of Godless self worshipping sociopaths, who until they are terrified from stealing elections, terrified for ever blaming the Caucasoid for the world's evils, terrified of these Saxons as much as they hate their God, that this malignancy of cancer politics will form the tumors again succored off the body of Christian blessing and this time kill the host.
Donald Trump is but a step in the right direction. Who is the next step upon this path is either the end of American civilization or the flowering beginning.
“Do not trust to the cheering, for those very persons would shout as much if you and I were going to be hanged.”
Nuff Said