We have Ukraine and you have Greenland, that is fair.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry blesses President Elect Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin for their not being pushed over the cliff to continue these wars to lead to global war. The Russians understand as does Mr. Trump that they are being pitted against each other and that the only solution is to reach understanding for peace.
Peace Negotiations begin!! Washington and Moscow have initiated discussions on Trump’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin without waiting for his inauguration!!
The situation for Ukraine is so dire, and the potential for that conflict to escalate into a World War 3 is so dangerous, that waiting even 7 days for Trump to be inaugurated simply unacceptable to both sides right now!
The Trust which Russia has shown in Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance being honest brokers is remarkable, considering the betrayals which Russia has endured since George W. Bush lied to Russia and expanded NATO east. Russia has 100,000 casualties, an immense price, but they are not being ruled by revenge and are conducting themselves as adults in working with Mr. Trump to end this.
Russia and America are both Protestant Christian Peoples. It is in our interests to join with our vast resources to bring prosperity and stability to the world.
God bless Donald Trump and God bless Vladimir Putin to succeed, in let detente reign and have Russia and the United States involved in only healthy trade.
Nuff Said