Oh say can you see, but the yond Northern Lights
What so proudly we hale
As the far north's new gleaming......
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Below in this post, you will read an exclusive analysis of Canada and the Quebecois. I will not take credit for this, but will protect the author. The short of this is, we know Trudeau was involved in Five Eyes in running the spying operation on Donald Trump for Russiagate, managed illegally by John Brennan of the CIA, using the FBI for cover. Donald Trump understands this and if you can face reality, that is why that trans Trudeau has been shown the door, but is playing like all communists from Cuba, a double game to attempt to hold onto power.
Justin Trudeau has bankrupted Canada. Canada is in need of being saved and only Donald Trump can perform this task. Trudeau in the Obama form unleashed an erase and replace White Canadians, with a coming vote to force them all back to Europe.
Below are the facts of what is taking place in Canada which is being hidden by the Mockingbird from Americans.
The whole debacle, which apparently has not made it to the news. Everyone talks about the Minister of Finance resigning about the “budget”, but apparently there were some specific points where the lady just could not take it anymore. Trudeau apparently had the brilliant idea to send a check of $250 to everyone across the country who made less than $35 000 that year. As I’m sure you realize, that adds up to stupid amounts of money and placed the budget in the 30+ billions deficit, not to mention only being a ploy for popularity, the money being pretty insignificant individually on top of it. The Canadian taxes on products are also ridiculous, being around 10% depending of the province and 5% more for the federal government, taxing everything at around 15%, plus another 15% tips on top for restaurants. The genius in charge had the other brilliant idea of removing all taxes for certain products for a period around the Holidays. He chose the weirdest products like baby formula, diapers, chips and beer, but not regular groceries. All that did was create massive problems at stores where people swarmed customer service to protest the tax they thought they should not have on their bills. It was complete chaos and fights started, yay for the Christmas spirit.
The woman finally had enough of his childish stuff and left. The funny thing is, she is still sitting at the chamber when everyone expected her to leave, because she’s been elected and she will finish her term. It is theorized that she is a strong contender to succeed him at the leadership of the party. The media are also reporting it wrong, because he did not technically resign yet, he is still in power, he said he will leave when someone else is there to take his place. He is desperately clinging to his position. The only reason he’s been there for the last 6 months is he has signed an agreement with the leader of the Canadian New Democratic Party, an Hindu Indian with a 3 foot blue turban (my mother calls him Marge Simpson) who looks like he has not bathed in years. After the last budget, even that clown could not defend Trudeau anymore and broke their agreement. The next Prime Minister is most probably going to be the Conservative party guy, who let’s face it is pretty center left, and people have already said that they are “scared” of him. I watched an interview of the guy and thought he was pretty mild, but unlike Trudeau, he’s not afraid of calling things like they are and is not telling everyone that they are wonderful and deserve a pony. Quebec people are so butthurt about being called the 51st state by Trump that they made a parody calling the US the 11th province. Simply delusional the lot of them.
Would you like to be the Prime Minister of Canada? You can! For only 250 000 Canadian dollars, so 50 cents in real money, you can be Prime Minister until May! Act now, supplies are limited and you can now guarantee that your name will be immortalized in history books that no one cares about. As you can probably tell, we just finished speaking with the folks from Quebec and we got the latest political news. Don’t think my father is some kind of insider (boy does he wish), they just suppress most of this from going out of the country, because it’s such a clown show. Like the rest of the world takes Canada seriously anyways! I have to admit this time though, it’s a particularly funny situation.
Like I explained last time, Trudeau has not “officially” resigned. He just said he would leave the party leadership if there was a replacement elected, which he knows damn well is a tall order, because no one wants to take it. At this time, his party only polls at 15% of the votes and is pretty much guaranteed to lose big in the future election. Basically, anyone who steps up as the head of the party now sacrifices their political career, and anyone sane would not do it. The hilarious consequence of this is that nobodies are therefore presenting their candidacy, because all you apparently need to participate is $250 000 and some people approving you in a petition, I think as little as a hundred (yes only a hundred!). So yes, you can now buy the Prime Minister spot for a moment of fame. They call it a “Kim Campbell” moment, because when Mulroney left, that woman took his place as Prime Minister and 2 months later when elections were declared, she lost every 38 Canadian counties but two, she did not even win her own. One of the candidates is an Indian from India, who does not speak a word of French, and said openly that Quebec’s opinions should be ignored federally, because they won’t be happy with the outcome anyways. The Quebecois rumor is he got a petition with enough names just by going to his Hindu temple. Absolute gold. Basically, by not declaring federal elections, Trudeau is hoping to gain time and that there won’t be a proper successor, so he can remain the head of the party when the election arrives. That way, even if his party loses, he’s still its head and would sit at the opposition.
Another funny tidbit is the whole story leading to the Finance minister resigning. After Trudeau presented a budget that was 60 billion in the red instead of 40, there needed to be a corrected one submitted a week later. Before she could present her revised budget, in opposition of Trudeau’s, he met her and told her she had to deal with Trump’s election first, since she was the one who established the free deal trade between Canada, the US and Mexico, she was not too surprised. What she did not know is Trudeau planned to remove her as Finance Minister and place one of his friends, who would just agree with all his decisions. The hilarious thing is, unbeknownst to Trudeau, that man was the godfather of the current minister’s son and they knew each other closely. He went and told her everything that was to come. She resigned, understandably. Now no one wants the post of Finance minister, because they will be the scapegoat for all the crazy budget overhead and they know it. The consequence is that effectively, the country currently does not have an acting Prime Minister or Finance Minister and it’s complete chaos.
This American hate speech out of Canada in attacking America as their province is the speech of war. This will not be stood for in the Trump Age. Canadians with sense should begin hoisting the Stars and Stripes over their homes and demand that President Donald Trump emancipate Canada from Ottawa and London tyranny. The solution is not going to be a pinko "conservative" replacing Trudeau, as the right in Canada is so far left they act like Liz Cheney on her menstrual cycle in never returning the rights of Canadians to them.
Canadians need to form an Emancipation Bill to petition Donald Trump to give to them. In every way, Canadians could just look to the US Constitution as Canadians have been denied the right of speech by being placed in prison and have their rights to firearm ownership infringed. The time to throw off tyranny is now or Canada will be faced with being downgraded to a tan skin shit hole, with Russia and China taking their lands in the north or being purchased up by hedgefund Jewry as the spoils of the Trump economic revival. Canada must face it's destiny which has been thwarted from her. She has always been meant by God's Grace to be united with America. Her population west of the Red River is American Saxon. The great Mettis People never were Canadian nor would be keyholed as "first people". They know who they are and as Louis Reil of America tried to lead them and was murdered by Ottawa in that liberation, all Canada must look to Donald Trump as their Moses to lead them to their promised land as Americans.
Canada has only one choice. Either choose life and join with the United States or be absorbed by the global order or the Russians and Chinese.
It is time for Canada to make the decision and then as good children look to Donald Trump to manage their affairs for them.
We always knew when we stole Canada from the Americans
that we would have to give it back.
Nuff Said