Sunday, January 12, 2025


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that Obama Biden have finally taken the step which the Lame Cherry advocated for in self armament of the Pacific Rim to contain China, North Korea and Russia.

Taiwan has with Pentagon assistance, began production of a Mach 6 missile which one can see by the red line range below, places Peking and all of east China within range.

The point of American foreign policy is supposed to be to shift the targeting of America to nations at the front of Russia, China and Iran.....WITHOUT THE UNITED STATES BEING INVOLVED.

Tel Aviv, Kiev and New York in the Bulan and Norman inbreds all want Uncle Sam to be Uncle Bloody for their riches and rule. It is hoped President Elect evicts some shifty religions traits of his benefactors and leaves them holding the pig in a poke.

In reviewing the region, Japan is testing their own hypersonic and are in progress to build a rather Russian glide space weapon. Good for Japan. Japan should be the epicenter of Pacific leadership, not the United States.

For the record, 47 wants to impregnate Greenland with medium range nuclear missiles. Vunderbah! Put all of American land based missiles in Australia and weed out that CIA liberal dictatorship in making them the Peking venture of opportunity. Obama policy is as burr head as that Briton was. It would have brought war into Alaska for Chinese resource grabbing. Instead, let China lust for Australia as it is a better battle venue.

Japan reveals test launch of its hypersonic strike missile program

Jul 10, 2024 ... Japan has revealed video footage of the maiden test launch of a hypersonic missile currently under development.

Japan and the US move ahead in co-developing hypersonic ...

May 16, 2024 ... TOKYO (AP) — Japan and the United States on Wednesday signed an arrangement to jointly develop a new type of missile defense system as the ...

I may sound a bit heartless globalist in this, but I have one mission, and that is to safe Protestant Christians in mass in what my steering of policy is. Everyone else with the anti Christ want my children of Christ dead, not me, I want them alive in numbers and the way that is done is to keep America Saxon, deport the Curry tech and Mex slaves, and make certain that the Eurasian rim are the targets of what is coming.

Indian too has joined this Obama shift. That is why Donald Trump has curried favor with picking all these Swammie lovers like the Vice President and all these other appointees. Apparently New Dehli is clan like and sees Aryan crossed girlies in Trump Camp, and they will rise to the challenge of America is the ally and point fast moving projectiles at China.

India's hypersonic missile test will make China 'sit up,' says expert

Dec 27, 2024 ... NEW DELHI -- India has joined a select group of countries -- the U.S., Russia and China -- which have hypersonic missile capabilities.

The Lame Cherry Doctrine holds though that Japan must start producing hydrogen bombs, for distribution to other Pacific theaters to have a grand gang bang over China and North Korea, if containment comes to pushing the buttons. Japan already has the parts, they have not assembled.

In this, Mr. Trump having lost position on Ukraine already, should congratulate Russia and simply say, we can not control Kiev or Berlin, the French are nuts, we counsel against this, but there appears to be a nuclear club forming with their arming Ukraine. We want out, we should make peace at all costs to stop this Genie from reappearing in Ukraine.

Is a long shot,  but is about the best whore option 47 has in giving Moscow a concern and Peking a worry to juggle with, to get the United States where both Peking and Moscow desire her, behind her ocean walls, and from there, not being a target can engage on economic means which is where we should have conducted this, instead of these Bush endless wars to profit the few.

That is the sparkle in this. We will see if Mr. Trump emerges with these options as Mr. Lincoln juggled foreign relations with a soft word and let the enemy populations undo themselves.

It took too long for the Pentagon and State to go hypersonic options, but this is what Russia has been doing since Bill Clinton, sent Boeing over to Russia to fix Vladimir Putin's Sunburn missile, which they gave to China, Iran, North Korea and Yemen.

Howdy do.

All I desire is peace with Orthodox Russia, an exchange of Persian pistachio nuts, and Peking back in their dens where they belong.

- Lame Cherry

Nuff Said
