As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Thrift had a bunch of shit movies, Shirley Temple, religious stuff that came in, and I noticed the Kirk Cameron one, Left Behind, World at War, and as I was curious about this sacrilege, as I stay away from bullshit that is anti Christian, I picked it up, as Lou Gossett was in it, and I always liked his work.
I will state as I always have. There is NO RAPTURE. That was created by a pimple ass in the 1800's who was terrified of the Great Tribulation. As we are in the last days, what we have been through has been kind of boring to me. I have not been impressed. I expected more than Fauci Flu and having to choose God or the vax.
Anyway, WAW Kirk Cameron sucks. I have pet peeves and it violates the most prominent. The first that comes to mind to get it out of the way, is I hate Nigger Messiahs, meaning I'm not a liberal who thinks that a Negro in their aboriginal state is superior to a White who has ruined the world and only a Nigger can save us. WAW has two Nigger seasons in Lou Gossett as president and a Nigger Preacher.
The movie is just odd as some group tries to murder the nigger president, and it switches to a Jesus Nigger ceremony marrying two couples. OK the Rapture took place. I read the Bible and it says in the Rich Man and Lazarus that Abraham will not send Lazarus back to warn the rich man's family, because they have the Prophets and if they are not listening to them, they will not listen to Lazarus.
So if every Christian is raptured........are you going to tell me that these putrid ass pieces of satan are suddenly going to change and start doing Jesus ceremonies when the Bible says leopards do not change their spots? Not going to happen.
I certainly do not want some Nigger preaching at me with how to be right with God when God left him behind.
So I do not abide in the Chris Matthews camp of being the picked on White child who hangs out with the Nigger janitor at age 13 as the only friend he has, and IQ 85 sounds great to a kid, but when you get to be an adult, IQ 85 is not going to cut it.
WAW fails on that in who ever came up with that projection.
The second pet peeve is empty guns chambering nothing into the magazine. The Vice President a White dude could not even hold the shotgun to his shoulder as he was so petite...........I mean where is the armorer as even Alec Baldwin had one when he murdered that woman on set.
Then there is the semi auto pistol, having that hollow sound of the action being jacked as no cartridge is in the magazine or now the cylinder. I watch movies a great deal and TL will tell you nothing brings disgusting commentary more than that hollow sound. Blows the entire scene.
Why re recording engineers do not fix this, I have no idea, but Hollywood should hire me for this alone as this really bothers me.
OK for the movie, the story sucks. The anti Christ is not some son of satan who can not be killed like the movie has it. The Bible says he dies without hands, meaning he does die.
The anti Christ was just weak as shit. Like that faggot on 24 with the beady little eyes.
There were good actors in this, but damn they were all weak as shit. Kirk Cameron was just bleached out of the dimness of the role.
It was stupid in the Black Prez about gets assassinated so we cut to the Nigger Preacher marrying people. That made no sense. Then when all biological hell is breaking loose, they all have to gather and pray to the Father for direction. It was like maybe if God is involved in this He already gave the guidance as the Bible says and if you need God's guidance when you should be running for your life, you should have been praying weeks ago for it to deliver you from evil.
It all seemed Harry Potter witchcraft.
The director sucked, the editor sucked, the music sucked, the lighting sucked, the script sucked. I will now get to what did not suck, and she makes one appreciate what has to go on behind closed doors in the Cameron marriage.
Yes Chelsea Noble. I know, go figure, the pastel actress who is nice to beige and cream complexion boring all her life, plays a real fuck the anti Christ bitch. I think she is preggo with anti Christ spawn too.
She is a horrid person, but damn that actress shines in her five minutes she is on screen. Yes the story fails her in for some reason she is going to turn in her jilted lover and his wife to the anti Christ, but then sees the light and decides to do good which no hose bag ever would. So that is not believable, but she is spot on as a real bitch. She must be real fun in the bedroom playing naughty bitches. That takes real talent to be a mistress, and she has it. Chelsea Noble in this movie was a 100, surrounded by negative tens.
So this movie must have appealed to zombie christians, the ones who see the name Jesus and follow Mike Flynn around or worship at the altar of Tel Aviv apples of the eye. I always think of Bach in chewing choir kids asses in, "You sang well enough for me but you are singing for God, so sing it again". I believe if you are making a movie about things of God you put both oars in and you work your ass off. This was just a mediocre effort, except for Mrs. Cameron.
If I ever have a movie, and need a strong woman, I'm going to hire this woman, as she can hit it out of the park. Maybe it is all that nice she has to portray that she can get into being a bitch to vent the frustrations, but this woman is a wasted talent. She is better than all that skirt stuff we have been subjected through over the years from Ashley Judd to ......I forget who Harvey Weinstein did and did not Blake Lively......another space taker.
Allot of these zombie will have their Faith shattered as things continue to go down and they wonder why magic Jesus has not appeared. Jesus does not appear until after the reckoning and frankly I think Chelsea Cameron even with her idiotic rapture ideas might be one who survives as she seems to have it in her to pull out a gun and blow people to hell and then take the son's baseball bat and beat the skulls in just to make sure. That is a good mother protecting her Christian family from anti Christs.
Her husband seems more the kind of guy who shrinks back and holds the Bible when the anti Christ is beating the door down, instead of reach for the 12 gauge as the remedy to prayer.
Anyway do not waste your time on these movies...........and if they would have made Chelsea Noble the anti Christ, you would have been pulling for her to win.
Nuff Said