As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I do not know if Jeff Rense has amnesia in his reporting on President Trump stating that some bad guy gave Russia the hypersonic missile, but Rense was the one who was carrying the information which was factual that President Bill Clinton, in the Yeltsin administration in Moscow, sent over Boeing technicians to fix the first Russian Sunburn missile which was hypersonic. The gyro was off in it and Russia could not hit anything with it. Once Boeing on Clinton's orders fixed this missile, it was accurate.
Russia then in turn shipped the thing to China and Iran.
To remind my children, the Sunburn is a super sonic cruise missile. It was a worthless thing until Bill Clinton sent over US technicians to Russia to "fix it" as it's gyro targeting was all off.
The Boeing people did a masterful job in teaching the Putincrats how to create a US carrier killer, and it soon showed up in China and Iran much to the chagrine of the Navy.
The Sunburn group is hypersonic, meaning it produces a shockwave much like the modern high velocity rifles in it is the "shock" which kills and not the size of the projectile. A small projectile moving at supersonic speeds becomes ampflied in a 150 grain bullet transforms into 2900 foot pounds of energy expended within the target it strikes.
Same principle in the Sunburn class, in one cruise missile moving at hypersonic speeds suddenly releases an energy impact of an atomic bomb.
The Lame Cherry covered this long ago.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
So the "bad guy" who President Donald Trump is talking about is William Jefferson Blythe Clinton who for the globalist created this hyerpsonic super state for intimidation to force America to waste trillions on the F 35, B 21 and Black Eagle systems, to invite an attack for this hegemony the London and J Street bankers want Americans to die for again in another world war.
Trump - ‘Some Bad Guy’ Gave Russia The US
Hypersonic Missile Design
Now you have the facts as amnesia is reigning and we are not being told that the bad guy who caused this was Bill Clinton. This was a deliberate arming of Russia, China and Iran to make this problem like Bush having that electronic plane brought down that China gutted, like Clinton putting high tech on a satellite China was supposed to launch and instead stole the tech and then blew up the payload and like that drone that went down in Iran, to give them super drone tech.
Those are the bad guys in the District of Crooks.
Nuff Said