As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As a suggestion Mr. President.
Trump Says He Will Demand Interest Rates
Drop Immediately
Trump Pressures The Fed To Lower Rates
It was Bush41 who obliterated the sound economics of President Ronald Reagan and his Fed Chairman which had an expanding economy and people earning a great deal of money in their bank saving's accounts, for the moneychangers who got cheap money, drove up inflation, spent electric money to create this hedgefund monopoly and has caused all of these economic woes of the US spending trillions to service this massive debt.
The world is now printing record amounts of money again in Eurasia to try and stop their Obama Super Depressions. When the US joins in this, it is going to spike inflation, eggs are over 6 dollars a dozen.
Mr. President as there is no real economy anymore, in this looting, can you not make your own rules? Would it not be possible to under the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to make Dollars which Americans saved in banks, like Lincoln Greenbacks, call them Kennedy Certificates backed by Bitcoin which would pay a Reagan rate, as Abraham Lincoln's Greenbacks paid a Government backed rate which would induce savings and cause an immense inflo into banks from even foreign investment out of the bond market. This would make the banks profitable, but it would make those interest rates higher, but set apart from the low interest rates the nation rapists were getting to drive up inflation. The point of this is, sound savings in the Dollar would be rewarded and allot of money would be generated and put into consumer's hands. It would be sound and not subject to the volatility of the stock markets. Set the bank saving's rate at 5% for passbook and 8% for Certified Deposits long term for the consumer economy. Even at that rate it will be cheaper than the inflation rate of cheap money for the nation rapists so people can borrow that money for the economy.
You simply have got to get money into the consumers hands as Ronald Reagan did in usury fees, and not let them be robbed by inflation or your golden age becomes a gilded cage.
What you are progressing is correct in cheap energy, which will lower all inflation, along with stopping these damned computers in California mandates, which will have Ford producing cars which consumers can afford, instead of this expense which no one can afford anything nor fix anything like woke John Deere.
Cheap money is fine as long as people are paid a higher rate than what the Fed charges banks. Does it not make sense to draw in trillions from Asia and Europe into US banks at higher rates, not long term fixed like bonds, and then lend that money out at more affordable rates than Eurasia is offering for bank profits?
You are running this scam and it is a scam to prop up this system. No one though is rewarding the small investors who will vote in the midterms to establish your legacy in another landslide in Congress and then reward you with JD Vance to protect your legacy.
Justin Trudeau was a fool in giving away checks as bribes which bankrupted Canada. You reward people who save and invest in regional banks and that will not bankrupt America as it is already sound money people have. It is usury which creates more money, not from inflation, but from investment inside America.
You must advocate for the small people and oldsters for their good will as much as you advocate for cheap money which impoverishes all. Balance this out.
Nuff Said