Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Bidenground Railroad Invasion for Trump


I'm going to bring in more invaders under Trump than I ever brought in
for Obama on the Bidenground Railroad

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I witnessed something in the Brier Patch which is something the President and his Deportation Team had better be aware of, and I will tell you what I conclude is taking place.

The Beaners here since Donald Trump was elected, have gotten quiet. In fact yesterday, the only ones we saw all looked like cowering dogs, in they have their heads down and look up at you. They do not want to make waves to get ICE on their asses.

That is why this event I witnessed states there is a giant FUCK YOU to Donald Trump in operation. Let me explain.

We were coming out of the farm store and three beaners were chatting loudly, had their heads up and as TL said, "They acted like they owned the place".

They dressed in NEW clothes top to bottom. So new they had that sheen and scent of new clothes they just got.

The Brier is the middle of nowhere, so these people were not bussed in nor flown in, but they were absolutely new since the Trump Crack Down in his inauguration.

Now the Lame Cherry can project this out.

I made a crack as they passed in, "Time for ICE". They never even reacted. These 3 could not understand a word of English.

So we have absolute ignorant vermin who are dressed in brand new clothes in the middle of nowhere.

That concludes that someone gave them a big cash card in nothing has changed. By their arrogance someone has told them that they are protected from Donald Trump, ICE and Homeland.

These were corporate agriculture slaves. There is not any way they had legal papers which were legitimate, meaning what the conclusion is Joe Biden had a meeting in the last weeks at the White House, and somehow got billions stuck into some Non Governmental Organization, which is using your tax money, as the Vatican does not spend it's money, anymore than Jews or Lutherans do. That is the cash cards.

These people are being flown into the center of America yet in an invasion and California corporate agriculture is telling these invaders that they are safe, because they are providing the bogus documentation..........sans the cell phone which are being used to track them.

This central region of the United States which the Brier is surrounded by, and I will be blunt, these beaners all drive Minnesota tagged vehicles, as that is the scam there and this lot of vermin had to have been flown into Minneapolis, processed by some charity like Lutherans, Jews or Catholics, given cash cards, sent to Walmart as the Brier has no stores here, and then they were transported to this corporate pig or dairy slave camp, where they were turned loose, to drive around in their out of state tagged vehicle like they own the place.

Now this is Kristi Noem's region. The entire region from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Dakotas, Iowa is flooded with these invaders. The worst of the lot are based in North Dakota and are Texas oriented. The slaves are populated in Noem's slaughter plants or the numerous big dairies which torture cows in belly deep shit for milk people drink.

As I stated, I believe Biden in that statesman shit eating grin he had, planned this all out verbally, no paper trail, and there is an NGO syndicate still hauling people into America, by flights from Panama and elsewhere, and they are not being touched by the FAA or Homeland, because there is some tag on them to ignore these flights. They are being processed in centers...........this is Tampon Tim Walz in action again, and if Tampon Tim is doing this, then the regional center in Denver is running their own invasion fleet yet, the Carolinas are importing yet, and all these other locations, and this is all operational in plain sight in some manifest in a DO  NOT TOUCH from Kristi Noem's Homeland or John Homans Border Busters. That means this has to be running outside in some configuration which is not being picked up in some alphabet agency in their flights with a jurisdiction that no one bothers them.

America is still being invaded by what I witnessed. I know there is a huge cash reserve out there somewhere and corporate USDA is employing these slaves, the charities are funneling, and there is some transportation work like that fucking HAARP running outside the network. Hell for all I could guess, this might be HAARP as no one is allowed to touch that operation, it flies non stop in spraying in weather terrorism and no one talks about it.

So the question is, "Is HAARP the transportation hub for this Biden invasion under Donald Trump?"

If President Trump does not get this stopped, what he is doing in rounding people up is just a waste of time, like Reagan in the drug war, when Bush41 was having the CIA run dope into America with Bill Clinton.

This is Obama Biden and they need to be arrested along with the smart asses who figured out this operation. The weak point is the USDA agriculture, who employs these vermin. Momland under Kristi Noem needs to start hauling these white folks out for indefinite detention, until they talk, and then start rounding up the Bidenground Railroad which is in operation, and Elon Musk has to find that Goddamn bankroll of American tax money which is funding this.

This is what I do in alerting Team Trump. They are going to have egg on their faces if they do not get their shit together and Kristi Noem gets off her ass. The invasion of America has just started and it came from the Obama Biden White House in a covert operation.

Nuff Said
