Jaws of Death Hearse Company
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have learned long ago that unique things happen to me for God's reason. I do not quite know why God creates situations like this, but He does love me and I do think I'm a special project child.
So like all things in life, I'm minding my own business, but being totally aware of the situation and life around me.
So like we're riving on the truck route in town, and just watching out for cops, when I see this black car coming. I conclude it is a hearse.
That is when it got interesting, as either the shocks were bad from hauling around fat vaxed dead people or the wheelbase was just right in the paving expansion joints, but this hearse was rocking like a rocking horse.
Now I have never witnessed that before. Sure I have seen vehicles rock and been driving bad shocks in vehicles so they seemed like trampoline, but for what they charge for funerals, a hearse is not suppose to rock like that.
I honestly thought a body might come flying out it was that pronounced which is why one does not have a hearse bouncing around like that as you can't have a dead body or a casket jamming you when you are driving.
This was a 25 mph zone too, so not like this was going fast.
Part two this as I was stunned in trying to figure out what the hell was going on with the flying hearse or the carnival event ride hearse, there is a woman inside. I don't recognize her. Kind of blonde hair, older, curly and she starts waving at us. I mean this is waving at you like you are someone they are really glad to see. No I do not think it was "be friendly to drum up business waving", this was someone who was waving at us........not like they needed to be rescued from dead bodies flying around in an amusement park ride hearse, but like she really knew us and really liked us.
This added to my being perplexed as I barely waved back as I was focusing on the flying hearse and was just overloaded in an animated hearse driver. I just never expected to see a flying hearse and being waved at like that as a hearse is supposed to be kind of non amusement park and drivers are supposed to be somber.....at least that is my experience.
So only these things happen to me. Apparently God reasoned this would be a good thing to present to me as I never would have expected this one........as I do expect bags of money to drop from the sky and finding guns in old chests at the junk yard, but that never happens, but I do look allot for things like this. Never have looked for a flying hearse with anime..........now though I will be looking at every hearse not the same in wondering what they might do and what might appear.
Nuff Said
Bullseye Hearse Company and Mortuary and Crematoria