Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Worst American President

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was listening a few weeks ago to Frosty Wooldridge who is like a parrot in you tell him something and he will repeat it in complete idiocy. In this case, his rant was about the worst President ever and his source was plagiarist Bill O'Reilly. I have made lists previously in best and worst, and want to address this again, because according to the parrot and the plagiarist, the worst President is in some kind of tie with Joe Biden and James Buchanan. Yes someone you never heard of.

I will not please allot of people in just getting Emancipated from Joe Biden in stating that Biden is not the worst President America has had. It is really type cast to use the word "worst", because the criteria is compared to what?
I would rank Jimmy Carter as the worst President in the INEPTNESS category as we are still suffering from that incompetents disasters. But to leave out the successes of the worst Presidents in Frank Roosevelt, Woody Wilson and Barack Hussein Obama is to disregard the damage which these three radicals inflicted upon Americans in the slaughter of wars, the invasion of foreigners and the massive political state of insane woke dogma. So "worst" as in evil bad, would go to Obama the foreigner first, Frank Roosevelt the international socialist who destroyed the American Constitution and Woody Wilson who made America into the global police minder to gallons of American blood in wars spilled.

 The Lame Cherry will address James Buchanan, the unknown, and even if I have not read the book by O'Reilly, I believe I have an idea what this incompetent conclusion is for this Democrat.

Abraham Lincoln wanted nothing to do with Buchanan in taking office. The reason is, almost everyone blamed him for the secessionist movement exploding under his governance as he was not going to be President Andrew Jackson and threaten Southerners nor send in troops to smash them. What I'm about to tell you is a mention of history which O'Reilly is ignorant of and it is in the Carl Sandberg 4 volume book on Lincoln at War. This is of profound interest.

At the Battle of Gettysburg, Sandberg relates the ordeal of Pickett's Charge which destroyed his army attacking the Union lines under General Lee's orders. Pickett was a flamboyant and complete Southern pretty boy Cavalier. Women and War were his two great loves. Sandberg then mentions something which is not known by almost everyone, and that is the rise of flamboyant military officer of America.

Wiki tells part of the story, but not the intrigue of it. Pickett was serving in Washington State and the British controlled an island there by Hudson Bay Company. In what was termed a pig war as a pig was shot, hid what the Buchanan Administration was really engaged in.

I will meet you on the other side and explain what was really taking place.

In 1859 Pickett was dispatched in command of Company D, 9th US Infantry, to garrison San Juan Island in response to discord that had arisen there between American farmers and the Hudson's Bay Company. The confrontation, known as the Pig War, was instigated when American farmer Lyman Cutler shot and killed a pig that had repeatedly broken into his garden. The pig belonged to the Hudson's Bay Company, and though Cutler was prepared to pay a fair price for the pig, the Company was not satisfied, insisting he be brought before the British magistrate, thus initiating the territorial dispute. In response to the U.S. forces, the British sent a force of three warships and 1000 men. The British commander, Captain Geoffrey Phipps Hornby (H.M.S. 'Tribune', 30 guns), demanded that Pickett and his men leave. Pickett declined, and the British officer returned to his frigate, threatening to land his own men. Pickett with his 68 men appeared to be fully prepared to oppose a British landing, ordering them into a line of battle near the beach. "Don't be afraid of their big guns," he told his men, "We'll make a Bunker Hill of it." Pickett's presence and determination prevented the landing, the British being under orders to avoid armed conflict with United States forces, if possible. Pickett had set up camp and his battery of cannon near the Hudson's Bay Company's Belle Vue Sheep Farm, and directly under the cannons of the British warship. Having this error pointed out to him, he moved the camp and battery a few miles north to high ground, to a spot overlooking Griffin Bay and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. After initial tensions passed the crisis was averted, both sides being unwilling to go to war over a pig. President James Buchanan dispatched Brevet Lieutenant General Winfield Scott to negotiate a settlement between the parties

Look at the dates in this. 1859 this confrontation took place. Abraham Lincoln would be elected as a minority President a year later and secession would spread through America over the direct attack by Yankee banking on Southern Planters.

President Buchanan and his cabinet understood completely that America was blowing apart and that is why they ordered George Pickett to land on San Juan Island in Puget Sound. James Buchanan was trying to save the united in the United States, but sending in Pickett with a small force, he fully intended to start a war with the British, which would in common cause unite Americans in a patriotic war and this would be the end of secession talk in the South, as America would expand to the West and most likely have annexed Canada.

Now would you call James Buchanan the worst President in history, that in order to avert a Civil War, his genius was to start a war to enforce the Monroe Doctrine and punt the slave issue decades down the time line, when industry would produce machines which would makes slavery obsolete?

I'm not a parrot. I read history. I'm not a plagiarist. I study history. If James Buchanan had been successful, he would have been the President who acquired Canada, united America and booted the British from the New World forever.

That is why the British had no intent of starting a war with America, as their Rothschild bankers wanted a Civil War to profit from and put American forever into debt. The British were at war with the United States and their Prime Minister was when the Civil War began, trying his damnedest Lord Palmerston way to start a war with America, so the British could hit America from Canada and land troops in support in the South and get their divided states into White Slave States, exactly as was the case before 1776 AD in the year of our Lord.

In knowing the above, you should discern what a fool Bill O'Reilly is, and what a dunce Frosty Wooldridge is, for castigating a President who did all he could to stop a war, would not witch hunt Americans in the South to prison or censorship, and tried to start a war which needed to be started with England, as even Abraham Lincoln fumed at London in stating, "We will be humiliated now from England, but in the decades ahead the United States will have revenge and humiliate London".

That would have been the case if American finance with London Banking did not start that genocide war against the German Kaiser for dead Americans and their gain, on the blood of Abraham Lincoln who was murdered in his blood was on the hands of the English and the bankers.

So you can make up your own mind on things with more information which was never provided to you. James Buchanan filled a void of sometimes genius policies with often lackluster policies which filled in from Andrew Jackson to Abraham Lincoln. America has had a group of these lackluster dolts since Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, with Carter in between, but Bush41, Clinton, Bush43, Obama, Trump 1 and Biden were quite a void as what America needed and voted for.

I hope that Trump 47 has the kind of success which is possible in his avoiding war, and uniting Americans and the world in economic expansion. He has that agenda and can be recorded in history as the Lincoln who anchored the period between the Reagan / Andrew Jackson dominance of American psyche.

Donald Trump has already emancipated Americans by mainstreaming Pro Life and 2nd Amendment realities. He has in his hand a non nuclear war with Russia, and the establishment of peace. He literally did this out of office and has the board to build that golden age. He did more out of office than in. Now is the opportunity to place himself with the greatest of American leaders, and often just because you did not see the results of what a President like James Buchanan attempted, does not make him a worst leader. It makes most people ignorant of what was being attempted to save America.

Nuff Said
