Friday, January 10, 2025

The Political Deviant


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I think of the perversions of Hollywood and London, I think of a fiction which that form of Jewry Stephen Spielberg who has a hatred for American Christians as a Christophobe, epitomized by his Saving Private Ryan which featured American Soldiers as cowards and murderers.

Spielberg joined hips with Daniel Day Lewis to unleash a fuck laden script where that is what Mr. Lincoln spoke like we were informed non stop. It was a wonder that Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address without spewing out Four fucking score and seven fucking years we were told Lincoln in Illinois spoke like a hyena as all Americans did. Yes the Lincoln Douglas debate sounded like Africa howling in the night.

This English fag in Lewis also starred in some movie made in Texas called There Will Be Blood. It went no where, but online I was told a fascinating story by a family of one of the "extras" from Texas who was chosen to be in the movie as background material.

The story is from a Jew, so we know it true as Jews never lie and are apples of God's Eye, as we are told , in we are anti semites if we question a Jew.

The Jew was a teenager according to his family, a bit brain damaged and was hanging around the set when this guy came up to him chatting him up. It was Lewis. Soon the retard was being shown to the front. Soon the retard Jew was given a speaking part. He was a rising star.

Well the movie wrapped and the story goes that soon the retard was summoned for "further shooting" out in California. The Jewish mum of the retard put a kabosh on the trip as ..........well we all know what position the Jew boy was going to be taking for the extra shooting he was being ushered into position for.

The reason this is all sodomite in bending over down memory lane is I was reading Carl Sandberg's history of Abraham Lincoln at war. Yes that Abraham Fuck Fuck Fuckeroo Lincoln according to Jew Steve and Fag Lewis.

This part takes place in 1861 AD in the year of our Lord Virginia at the first battle of Bull Run. The battle went bad. Abraham Lincoln had been out for a buggy ride as he always did in the evening. He returned to the news that the Union troops broke after winning and ran.

A fellow Illinois politician was in Washington City at the time, and sought out President Lincoln. He found the President at the War Department, and as the President left, he walked with him. The man was Robert L. Wilson. He was a six footer and from the Illinois group referred to the Long Nine, which had been with Mr. Lincoln from the start. They were intimates.

The President would not say anything as the Officers had sworn the President to not say anything about the disaster. Wilson persisted and asked if he could not say anything in details as they were old friends, could the President say whether the news was good or bad.

With that Mr. Lincoln grabbed Wilson's arm, and whispered close in his ear in a shrill and subdued voice, "It's damned bad!"

This surprised Wilson as he had never heard Abraham Lincoln engage in profanity, but deemed it was the only thing the President could express the disaster with in meaning.

So Robert Wilson, someone who knew Abraham Lincoln from Illinois, never heard Abraham Lincoln use profanity in all the years they were friends.

Hmmm, so on the one hand we have a long time friend of Abraham Lincoln, who knew him in all situations and Abraham Lincoln did not speak foul language............but on the other hand there is Jew Spielberg and Faggot Lewis saying it was a fuckfest from the tongue of Abe Lincoln.

Just remember those facts in the source of deviant Hollywood and London compared to the Christian Americans who knew Abraham Lincoln and his better Angels of his nature.

Nuff Said


Robert L. Wilson,  Long Nine
