Thursday, January 9, 2025

Mark Faggerberg


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well apparently the Hong Kong female hormone pills are having an effect on woke Mark Zuckerberg as in his new video, he is a trans fag. He looks allot like Kenny G with curled locks and way too much makeup, unless you are like Obama, stepping out on the "wife", to get some fluteophone work at the club.

This may be a positive now as Elon Musk might be able to take him after a few more Chinese Elixirs sure to remedy your testicles and turn you into the Big Mike your lovers have always desired.

I'm looking forward to playing Elon Musk's flute.

Why do people always link me to look alike fags?

No thanks boys, I'm self fluting.

(What is up with G? Looks like Faggerberg already drained him
of all fluids. Must be vax dying.)

Nuff Said
