As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Now that the sodomites of America have taken up the Second Amendment and urged the Beaner and Nigger to arm themselves to die for the right, perhaps these liberal illuminated on finding a use for firearms in self defense, instead of trying to disarm everyone, against the Founders, perhaps the faggots with their pink pansy pistols will come to the conclusion that other Protestant Christian positions are also correct.
That sexual deviancy is evil as it destroys the soul.
That butchering babies in the womb is evil as it destroys life.
That arming Niggers to fight for you to keep your homosexual abomination out of a FEMA camp is evil as humans with character do not project that other races are expendable. (This is not a slur against Jews who do this as this never crossed my mind, but it probably would with queers as they do not like Jews who have the scent of Trump."
This is all vital as there is a Judgment before Christ coming. The rules in the Bible are not suggestions. They are rules to live or die by.
LGBTQ liberals start arming themselves over baseless fear of being ...
Nuff Said