As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is disappointing to read the people I respect in the Barbie Doll Ranters, in Gerald Celente and Jeff Rense, either accusing Donald Trump of Imperialism or making excuses that Canadians do not want to be Americans as they do not want to give up rationed death. (Canadians pour into America to be treated constantly as they loathe waiting 2 years to get treatment.)
What I'm going to point out here is not a defense of Donald Trump. What I'm going to point out here is America is dead in the Republic. We were all about to be erased and replaced. The hand we have now in this Zionist Bombaytech is the one we have. There is not any do overs or dealing again. There is not a next time. We got this hand and it is the best one we are going to get and we had better stop fucking around screwing things up for Donald Trump or we are all going to be eliminated.
Donald Trump as this blog has stated and has been advocating for decades is producing his own Trump Doctrine, which is for those who know history an American Doctrine of Manifest Destiny. Everything Donald Trump is speaking about can be found in the administrations of the Monroe Doctrine, Polk Doctrine and Roosevelt Doctrine. For the ignorant the Lame Cherry will educate you and walk you through this.
James Monroe, produced a doctrine of Protection for the flowering American States to not become annexed by Europe. It took decades and in some instances, foreign powers are still in control of aspects of American Nations. Into this, would appear Robert Wagner, a democrat, who working for President Polk would advocate and invasion of Mexico to drive out foreigners and Wagner's Doctrine was to march to Panama and create America from the Rio to the Isthmus. It would be Teddy Roosevelt who would fulfill this in part.
In that Theodore Roosevelt stated absolutely that England had no Goddamn place in Canada or anywhere else. There should have never been a 54 40 treaty with London, as Americans should have just by expansion settled Canada and annexed it.
You should begin to hear Trump Doctrine in taking back the American Canal, naming the Gulf the American Gulf, making Canada the 51st state and yes, the annexing of Greenland. Those are all American Doctrines.
Again for the ignorant, do you know what the one problem Kaiser Wilhelm and Adolf Hitler did not compensate for? They did not appease the American Bunde. Take America out of two world wars, and you have Germany successful in a united Europe and American supplying the Germans with the arsenal of democracy, in order to deal with Eurasia. If you have any sense, that is a much better world than America being this failed global policeman in robbing it's citizens for the feudal few.
In the prelude to World War II, the Germans by treaty tried to gain Iceland and Greenland, but were thwarted by the seizing of those lands by London and DC. You should probably comprehend that America already has title to Greenland, so let that fact soak in.
What do you think China is doing in Asia? It is taking resources. What is Russia about in Ukraine? Taking resources. What do you think is going to happen to Greenland in the near time? Do you think they are going to sing nice songs and be left alone or are they going to be seized by Russia and China? Donald Trump is not interested in imperialism. This is national security and this blog concurs completely with the agenda of placing medium range nukes in Greenland, to make that a target, while removing the Minutemen missiles from the Christian part of America. Donald Trump is producing a very sound doctrine for foreign policy. It must be supported as to not support it is the same Goddamn insanity which has the Normans and Bulan boys trying to get Russia to bomb North Dakota to use up nukes to save the woke coastal areas. To hell with that bullshit, American policy needs a dramatic reset, and that is what Donald Trump has initiated.
The resources of Canada, America and Greenland are immense. They will power the United States economy to the forefront again. Again the Lame Cherry advocates to get America out of Europe and the Mideast to not be a target, to then become the arsenal to produce weapons and goods for these nations, and then contain China for the next decade as China implodes in population and manufacture.
In this gamesmanship, China and Russia have stupidly spent their fortunes on next generation weapons and will not be able to contend economically with thee American sphere, which is going to jump to space if Christ does not return. What is being forged is a Berlin DC alliance with America being the manufacturing and economic base and India becoming the technical asset to check China.
The world is going to be much better off with the Germans managing things.
As I have stated, my purposes are to save Protestant Christians and to get us 2 years. I conclude with the anti Christ order around, it is a time frame that this group in Europe will be occupied with that chess board and not the United States. The edge is close and in God's Direction, but this is the best I can do, to assist this to save Christian lives around the world. The hand has been dealt by the Board and they are our best and only option. My hope is that in this, the United States can distance itself from Tel Aviv by handing it to the Germans to manage, the point being America does not then become the target of Mosaad or global bankers as someone else is running the show, and as George Washington stated, America is friends to all and trades with do not blow up the cash cow.
So in the review of American Manifest Destiny of Donald Trump, he is the only sound option for American security in what is coming. I would dearly appreciate if the Outback of Oz were armed with hypersonic glide warheads, manufactured out of Japan to make that a target of China, and not Alaska or America proper. I desire peace with Russia as this solves most of the problems, and for the sake of Miriam Adelson and these pawn shop American Jews, they have got to start seeing the big picture in there are Jews who view them out of Tel Aviv and Europe as contenders who should be eliminated with extreme force. Thee American Jew has got to unhook from this internationalism, stop the rapine of America in the hedges and focus 1000% on keeping America out of this brewing massive global violence. Miriam Adelson will make a whole lot more money with a living American cash cow than glowing nuked one with Jew York City in the afterglow.
I would hope the Kennedy democrats in Gerald Celente, Jeff Rense, RFK II and Scott Ritter would see this for what it is. Scott Ritter was warning of impending nuclear war if Trump was not elected. He was correct, and I hope his position begins the examination and explanation of the Trump Doctrine for others as whether we like it or not, it is all we have. Time has run out and there are not going to be any do overs in this.
America needs to fulfill the doctrines of American Manifest Destiny as espoused by Monroe, Polk and Jefferson. We can not be shortsighted like the General Meade's and other who whined that America should not have invaded Mexico and we should all just get along. We would not have any of these problems if Texas had kept northern Mexico which was Texas at the start of this, if the United States had booted everyone out of thee American sphere and if Americans had occupied Canada and made that region American and not British.
The biggest defect of American Policy was when America stopped being Abraham Lincoln hating England and sold out to money interests of Woodrow Wilson and Frank Roosevelt to die for London. America should have joined to Berlin, put the British empire on a leash and let German diplomacy guide Eurasia, with America profiting for Americans and not bleeding out.
Either get on board with this or get the hell out of the way as everything is at stake now in the sands in the glass are about half gone.
Nuff Said.