Monday, February 3, 2025

Draft Big Oil to Serve President Trump's Policy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We are seeing the nation rape conglomerates again like Exxon bucking President Donald Trump in national energy security in the oil barons stating they are not going to drill oil and gas in America, while they will plunder natural gas reserves for their AI generation plants.

In times of invasion, insurrection and war, the President has special powers as President Abraham Lincoln did, as in world history, the Government has the right to protect the Nation, by seizing property and assets, as Lincoln did in the Emancipation, and as Lincoln did in holding a national draft for manpower for the military.

In this, President Trump should draft every energy company who is not out drilling for oil and gas, into a National Energy Group, which will be overseen by the Department of the Interior. Furthermore, the Interior and Energy Departments will ban nation rapist conglomerates like Exxon from taking natural gas from Americans for their profit. Instead, they will be mandated to not only burn coal in coal plants they build, but in order to do AI generation, these nation rapist conglomerates will have to build first 2 coal generating plants for the needs of thee American consumer. America has over a 400 year supply of coal. The graft of Bill Clinton must be removed in his taking away the largest coal field in the world in Utah, for an Indonesian campaign donation to Clinton Gore. The reality in America has changed under President Donald Trump, and these nation rapists do not get to steal things from America for their profit. They will serve America first, and they will comply with mandates of burning coal for electricity and leave natural gas for consumers to heat their homes and cook their food with. Americans will not be made to be displaced. Big energy will step aside for Americans and Big energy is going to cease it's devil's pact with HAARP at DARPA and Big Chem in deluging Americans with chem cold as is now taking place across America again in this artificial cold which is terrorizing Americans this February.

This is the reality and is what the Trump Team must get in front of, as these arrogant billionaires of woke hedgefunds are resisting President Trump and it will stop, as they will be drafted into the Trump Energy Mandate for America.

Nuff Said
