"Samuel was such a man among the Jews. Athanasius among the early Christians. Such a man is Abraham Lincoln in this day."
Reverend Henry Fowler
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I came across a moving emotional observation, study and expression of the Reverend Henry Fowler concerning President Abraham Lincoln at the close of 1863 AD in the year of our Lord. The first impressions of Lincoln were outward man which the blind saw and never could look to the inward man. By the coming to the close of the 3rd year of Abraham Lincoln, some of the most intelligent and religions minds in America were sensing the inward man of Abraham Lincoln and were in deep contemplation of exactly what this man was, like an agate, a plain rock cover, but inside this beautiful creation of God which only could be witnessed when opened.
I have below a commentary by Reverend Fowler concerning Abraham Lincoln as the chosen leader of America by the hand of God. In the following, I noted that this modern Jehu is coming to his full season at Trump47 and mirrors this profoundly understood and misunderstood President.
The explanation for his every act is this:
He executes the will of the people. He represents a controlling majority. If he be slow, it is because he people are slow. If he has done a foolish act, it was the stupidity of the people which impelled it. His wisdom consists of carrying out the good sense of the nation. His growth in political knowledge, his steady movement toward emancipation, are but the growth and movement of the national mind. Indeed in character and culture, he is a fair representative of the average American.
His awkward speech and his more awkward silence, his uncouth manners, his grammar self taught and partly forgotten, his style miscellaneous, concreted from the best authors, like a reading book, and yet oftentimes of Saxon force and classic purity, his humor and argument, and his logic a joke, both unseasonable at times and irresistible always; his questions answers and his answers questions; his guesses prophecies, the fulfillment of beyond his promise, honest yet shrewd, simple yet reticent, heavy and yet energetic, never despairing and never sanguine.; careless in forms and conscientious in essentials, never sacrificing a good servant once trusted, never deserting a good principle, once adopted; not afraid of new ideas and not disposing of old ones, improving opportunities to confess mistakes, ready to learn, getting at facts, doing nothing when he knows not what to do; hesitating at nothing when he sees the right; lacking the qualification of the party leader, and yet leading the party as no other man can, sustaining his political enemies to their defeat, sustaining his political friends to their victory; conservative in his sympathies and radical in his acts. Socratic in his style, Baconian in his method; his religion consisting in truthfulness, temperance, asking good people to pray for him and publicly acknowledging in events the hand of God; he stands before you as the type of Brother Jonathan, a not perfect man and yet more precious than fine gold.
This is the summation of President Donald Trump, a not perfect man, but for America and the world at large a gift in these end days from God more precious than fine gold.
Where now would we be without Donald Trump, the 47th President of these Uniting States.
God bless him in his mission from God.
Nuff Said