Monday, February 10, 2025

Footprints of Insurrection - Colorado and Media leaking information to Terrorists


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As you have read the title of this post, ask yourself who in their right mind would leak information on a raid of South American terrorists so the terrorists could escape capture, and knowing that these gang members from Venezuela had firearms and are some of the most brutal murderers on the planet.

Just project this out in what happened in Colorado, IF these terrorists had laid a trap for federal law enforcement to ambush them? What if they had planted explosives to kill large numbers of them in a confined apartment complex? All of this and worse could have happened, from chemical poisons to suicide charges, because some anti American insurrectionists leaked information on the raid.

How many more people are going to be murdered by the terrorists who got away? How many women will be raped? How many children will be trafficked for sex in more agonizing months of being enslaved.

As Director Homan stated, this is not a game. This was an act against the Rule of Law, against the United States Government and against every Law Enforcement Officer. Whoever leaked this, whoever in the media was involved, should face charges of treason, insurrection, dozens of attempted homicide charges, aiding terrorists and high crimes against the People of the United States and this must be not in the civilian criminal courts for a kangaroo stage show. This must be a Peoples Tribunal or a Military Tribunal of a speedy trail, with the death penalty, only appeals to the President will stop that penalty and start to finish, this execution in public by hanging by the neck until dead takes place in 2 weeks.

And anyone who protests, bitches or interferes, from Congress to some woke freak, gets arrested on the same charges and executed.

It can not happen fast enough for the President to have the authority to enact the Insurrection Act to crackdown against all of this delaying, not following orders, threats and leaking information which is putting all of us in jeopardy.

Homan, who was at the raid early Wednesday morning to pump up the hundreds of law enforcement officers, took to Fox News on Thursday to send a warning to anyone planning on obstructing his agents. 

'We've already identified how this operation got leaked,' he said visibly angered. 

'I'll deal with that today,' Homan said sternly. 'It's not a game.' 

'They may find themselves in pair handcuffs very soon,' Homan added of whoever leaked information about the early morning raids.

'I'm working very close, starting this morning, with Department of Justice.' 

Footage of the Wednesday raid obtained exclusively by shows several alleged TdA members emerge on the roof of the Whispering Pines Apartment as agents moved in. 

The complex is a known TdA hotspot, and videos emerged last year showing gangsters carrying guns around threatening the inhabitants. 

The insurrection is only growing daily and becoming more belligerent in thwarting the 2024 AD in the year of our Lord elections and dragging this country back to the Obama erase and replace Americans for Eric Holders pervert America.

Colorado Supreme Court disqualifies Trump from 2024 ballot

Dec 19, 2023 ... The Colorado Supreme Court is removing former President Donald Trump from the 2024 primary ballot under the Constitution's insurrection ...

23-719 Trump v. Anderson (03/04/2024) - Supreme Court

Mar 4, 2024 ... A group of Colorado voters contends that Section 3 of the. Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution prohibits for- mer President Donald J. Trump ...

It is past time that the Black Robes of the Supreme Court get on with absolute support of the 2024 elections and President Donald Trump in every facet of his mission to save America, before the courts discover they are arrested for disloyalty to the US Constitution.

Supreme Court Rules Trump Can Stay on Colorado Ballot

Mar 4, 2024 ... Only Congress can remove candidates for federal office from the presidential ballot, the US Supreme Court says, overturning a Colorado Supreme Court decision.

A unanimous Supreme Court restores Trump to the Colorado ballot

Mar 4, 2024 ... While the justices came together to agree Donald Trump could not be removed from the Colorado primary ballot, they differed as to how far ...
