Monday, February 10, 2025

When they reject Trump Peace - Let them have nuclear war


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The very radicals who claim they want Palestinians to have a homeland and that they do not want them exterminated, when offered a visionary plan by President Donald Trump, attack him like c
razed rabid animals, getting amnesia of these FACTS.

George W. Bush in his Iraq War II gave these people the chance to elect leaders for peace. Instead HAMAS was installed into power and they wanted more war. That ended democracy in the Mideast.

President Donald Trump via Jared Kushner, advocated the Abraham Accords. Tel Aviv shattered that agreement like the Kiev Jews shattered Munich Accords with Russia.

Now in this reality of Gaza is in ruins, America has supported billions in destruction from Tel Aviv remapping the Mideast, a factual reality is there in, Tel Aviv is not going to quit not matter what, and they will use their own nuclear bombs to clean out Gaza, and thee only solution is for Washington DC (I would prefer Berlin) to become overseers of Gaza, rebuild it by using resources like natural gas off Gaza, and in the meantime, get these people who have no homes now, into being settled into other countries. My solution was to partition off southern Libya and have Russia do the security work while Berlin does the security in the Mideast, to get the United States away from Armageddon.

What is working is not working now. What is expressed in Saudi Arabia and others not liking the Palestinian removal, neglects that none of these now bitching nations did one thing to help these Philistines, because they all loathe them too as most were forced out long ago out of Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

The Lame Cherry has had it with these chronic bitchers in the United State media, Islam and Europe.  They offer no solutions but a 2 State which is not going to happen butted up on this Jewish state. So therefore, the Lame Cherry advocates this for President Donald Trump.

Meet you on the other side.

Israel Wants Europe To Take In Palestinians

Palestinians say The Only Way For Trump to get
them out Of Gaza is with a nuclear bomb

If not expulsion, then 'interim relocation’
Rubio's plan B for Gaza

Netanyahu proposes ending Gaza war in
return for exiling all Hamas leaders Who
Beat The Israeli Army

Israel orders army to plan to let Palestinians
leave Gaza

Arab Americans for Trump changes name
after Gaza comments

Speaking during a visit to the Dominican Republic, Rubio urged other nations to contribute to Gaza’s rebuilding efforts but did not clarify whether Palestinians would be allowed to return under US President Donald Trump’s proposed plan to "take over" the territory.

"I think that's just a realistic reality, that in order to fix a place like that, people are going to have to live somewhere else in the interim," Rubio said.

He added that Trump’s controversial remarks were aimed in part at encouraging other countries that "have both the economic and technological capacity" to help with rebuilding.

"President Trump has offered to go in and be a part of that solution. If some other countries are willing to step forward and do it themselves, that would be great, but no one seems to be rushing forward to do that," he said.

Rubio added that "countries in the region who express a lot of concern about the Palestinian people" should "find a solution and answer to their problem."

President Donald Trump should bring out a bowl of water in a public statement and say:

I want peace. I want Palestinians to have a nation. I want people to not be ethnically cleansed. I have stated what the United States was willing to do to accomplish this to save lives. I was instead attacked by the very people and nations who make money off of this slaughter.
Either these parties put up or shut up, because the Mideast is nuclear armed. America is not going to forever fund wars nor peace for people who lust for one and lie about the other. This is going to be a nuclear war and America is not going to be involved in Nuclear Armageddon. Either accept my plan or produce another one immediately which will stop the hatred, or the United States will protect herself and there will be a nuclear war from London to Tehran, with thee entire landscape radioactive as this war is what people want and it will be fought out without America in the consequences.

America will stand by her allies in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the Jewish state with presence and support to stabilize the region, but this radioactive cloud will cover Russia and China as the benefactors of this violence which chose war instead of a peaceful solution to save lives now and later.

Then President Trump should wash his hands, dry them on a Trump Hotel towel and say, "America washes it's hands of this. The nuclear glow is on you".

This is an adult world where the United States can not be wiping the asses of all these shit pants brats who need to be vaporized for the world to have peace. Force peace on them in forcing them to make it either before or after a nuclear war.

The Lame Cherry will state again that President Abraham Lincoln never moved beyond public opinion. It is obvious that these brats all have their own opinion and the end will be nuclear war. Give them what they choose and support Tel Aviv nuking whatever it chooses and say Amen when Iran nukes Europe, Tel Aviv and Saudi Arabia.

The public opinion will then probably demand President Donald Trump for a peace plan. Then Mr. Trump like Mr. Lincoln will have public opinion for peace after they have had their war.

Thee alternative is that  America will be engulfed in this, be a nuclear target and as President Trump stated, Iran moving to assassinate him which is going to be nuclear obliteration of Iran. America must disengage from people who do not want peace and not be forced to participate in Armageddon.

America must be done with all of these ingrates and enjoy the fruits of God's Gifts without some nuke terrorism in American cities.

Nuff Said


Nuff Said.
