Sunday, February 23, 2025

Footprints of Insurrection - The Murderlotion


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You are blessed to have the Lame Cherry explain the bastardized narratives of the ANTIGOV, because that is what all of this is against America, it is ANTI GOVERNMENT. The Molotov Mob is now posting on Reddit and other sites demanding a violent revolution in America against President Donald Trump based on the French Revolution.

I WILL ENLIGHTEN ALL OF YOU, there NEVER was a French Revolution. Yes even though this British sponsored tearing down of the French Monarchy is incorrectly termed a Revolution, it NEVER was a Revolution.

When the French were goaded into remove their Monarch and execute him, that was a REVOLT, a REBELLION, an INSURRECTION against the Government. When Oliver Cromwell went to war against King Charles and executed him, that was a REVOLT, a REBELLION, an INSURRECTION.

When the United Colonies of America, signed a Declaration of Rights as British Citizens, demanding redress by the Government in London for those Rights, thee Americans were not in revolt. They were not in rebellion. They were not in insurrection. They were rightly within the English Law of Rights. They were not overthrowing the Government of the Monarch, they were demanding their Rights within that Government.

President Abraham Lincoln addressed this issue in the insurrection or rebellion which took place in the Untied States. In his inauguration, he stated that Americans had ever Constitutional Right to Revolution, but vote in Amendment or in conflict, because that is what the Constitution provides. When the South went outside the Constitution, that was a violation which is not permitted. That is why the Southerner led by the Aristocracy was called a REB, as in Rebel, as in Rebellion and not a REV as in REVOLT or REVOLUTION.

Americans have the Right to Revolution if enough of them become a majority to win. If not the Constitution provides for the President of the United States to crush a revolt with force.

That is why the Obamites in Nancy Pelosi were framing Jan6ers with "insurrection", they knew that the Constitution allows Revolution and did not want any legal protections. It is why the pipe bombs were planted in this frame up. That is why this "resistance" is now trying to frame this INSURRECTION as a REVOLUTION for legal protection, but there are facts in this which are glaring.

The first FACT is, these rebels are not seeing redress for Rights. They are seeking to remove by force an elected President and Cabinet. THAT IS NOT CONSTITUTIONAL. That is insurrection as it is attacking the Rule of Law in the Constitution.

Second FACT is, these rebels have not moved to first legally file redress in Amendments to the Constitution as President Abraham Lincoln defined in this coming from the States or the Congress. Instead, they are doing searches for how to murder the leadership of the United States as in the French REBELLION. That is not Constitutional.

Social Media Platforms Are Beginning To Embrace
And AMPLIFY Calls For Violent Revolution vs Trump

In a disturbing turn of events, the popular social media platform Reddit is now allowing posts that openly call for a repeat of the violent French Revolution within the United States. This move, coming in the early weeks of President Donald Trump’s administration, is part of a larger ideological campaign by leftist factions to resist Trump’s policies and leadership. While Big Tech might be moving away from censorship of conservatives, left-wing operatives will be increasingly weaponizing false narratives against Trump and MAGA Republicans, and promoting these narratives in a way that preys on the emotional instabilities of the left, driving left-wing groups to take action and commit acts of violence against conservatives.

• Specific posts on Reddit are advocating for a Reign of Terror-style political revolution in America.

• Google searches for “1789 France” have surged, indicating a rising interest in this revolutionary period.

• Democratic Congressman Ed Markey recently rallied supporters with a bullhorn, declaring a revolution against Trump and Elon Musk.

The Constitution does not provide for a "reign of terror", does not provide for overthrowing the Government, does not provide of the murder of the President or anyone. So each of you have to become disciplined in what is coming that you CORRECT the dimwits who are going to start repeating this bullshit as cover for violence against America, in explaining this is an insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution, this is not a Revolution and has nothing to do with thee American Revolution, as these rebels are demanding the mass murder of everyone like the French did in their destroying their Government.

As you can see by the definitions below, Revolution is a change of policy as Americans sought in 1776. Rebellion is destruction of the Rule of Law as the French undertook for decades in 1789.

REVOLUTION: A drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving.

REBELLION: Refusal to accept some authority, code or convention

The Lame Cherry advocates that the sooner the public is educated on the terms and what it taking place, then the President will be demanded by the People to put this insurrection down with all means as President Abraham Lincoln undertook by full Authority of the Constitution in times of insurrection and invasion.

The Lame Cherry will never permit the sullying of the America Revolution or Lincoln's War to be linked to that mass murder of the French in 1789 with this genocide minority that brought an invasion to America and under Obama began an insurrection to erase and replace Americans, and now advocates a French mass murder in these United States.

Mass murder does not get to hide in the Constitution. These are criminal acts and the sooner this violent mob and their Molotov Mob leadership is arrested under warrant and tried before People's Courts to crush this insurrection, the sooner this Government, By, Of and For the People will be at peace in our Country.

President Trump calls out Maine's governor right to her face for not ...

19 hours ago ... President Trump calls out Maine's governor right to her face for not complying with an executive order on men playing in women's sports..

The rhetoric appeals to the minority mob of "not my president", but as President Donald Trump informed this DEI rebel in Maine, that the President is the Federal Law, that is the fact that only matters in the Constitution. The President is Chief Magistrate of all Laws and the Commander in Chief of all Security by the Authority of the Constitution. The Constitution provided for that granted Authority and Maine voted for that Authority to be given and agreed to submit to it. Violation of that is insurrection and is fueling this minority mob in their French Rebellion violence for America.

Nuff Said

