Saturday, February 1, 2025

France & Denmark Declare War on America


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the reality of President Donald Trump advocating for the emancipation of the territory of Greenland from European Imperialism as mandated by the Monroe Doctrine, what has followed are acts of war against the United States by Denmark and France.

Denmark authorized funding for bombs to kill Americans in Greenland in the billions. France threatened the United States to deploy troops in Greenland to murder Americans. Those are acts of war.

It would behoove President Donald Trump to invoke the same sanctions on Denmark and France which have been put upon Russia. It would behoove President Donald Trump to seize all Danish and French assets in the United States. It would behoove President Donald Trump to inform Denmark that the first bullet that appears in Greenland that a state of war will exist between Denmark and the United States and anything Danish appearing in proximity to American forces will be defined as a threat and destroyed. The same fate is for the French, if their Navy, Air Force, Army or shipping appears anywhere near Greenland, or any US presence in the is world, it will be deemed a threat and either sunk or blown out of the sky.

This will please Russia as Denmark and France have been engaged in murdering Russians in Ukraine. Now Denmark and France think they can murder Americans.

The United States must realign with allies in Europe, namely Germany under the AfD to reach commity with Russia and put and end to these west shore woke socialists who think they do not have to obey American Doctrine in getting the hell out of the the Americas with their imperialism.

I saw a headline for a fake poll that the people of Greenland by 80% do not want to join America. What the fuck do those skintones know!!! They have been enslaved and never rose up to be free. They are like all these Goddamn Europeans who think they can live in fairyfuck land and start some Goddamn wars and then America is supposed to come in and die to save them. BULLSHIT!!!!!!

Greenland will be annexed by Russia or China and those 50,000 skintones there are not going to have a say, but come whining to America to please die for them. Not anymore, because these ignorant Darwins are going to be told by America what the outcome is now, and they are going to bend to it and that is they will be a United States protectorate. There is no more Denmark colony there. The United States will land forces on that island and secure it for America.

There is a state of war between Denmark and France and any other fool nations in Europe who think they can keep slaves in America. For this reason, President Trump must land troops in Greenland to secure it as American and wipe out any Europeans who challenge America.

Let us understand that NATO if finished. Denmark and France have proven that. Let this European shit fend for themselves with Russia and America will be removed from this shitstorm in their anthem for America from Greenland to Guam, from the Arctic to Panama, this is America.

Let America reward her allies and put the boot to thee imperialists in make the Western Hemisphere free, free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last.

Nuff Said

