Saturday, February 1, 2025

Trump Economic Exceptionalism


He accepted Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World on behalf of the United States, and was said to have driven the first rivet in the statue.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

Here is the thing in teaching you and forming the more perfect union of Time Lines for President Donald Trump and his team for the success we all hope and pray for, I have to invest a great deal of time in trying to figure out what Carl Sandberg is recording in the History of Abraham Lincoln at war.

Sandberg sometimes goes into too much detail as in the depths of perspectives of Abraham Lincoln, and then at other time he just mentions something in passing in names people have long forgotten ever existed.

In the above, you can see a former Vice President of the United States, which none of you ever heard of. Sandberg records him as appearing in London, in a financial house which rivaled the Rothschilds, which is what captured my attention, but when I looked it up, I could not find hide nor hair of this guy or his work.

You will get this as I speed read, and I read L. P. Morgan, when in reality the person was L. P. Morton, Burns and Company. When I entered the search engine, all the AI's filtered JP Morgan.

Levi Parsons Morgan though was a most extraordinary American in American exceptionalism. The relative he was named after was the fist missionary to reach Jerusalem.

Morton actually got war reparations for the United States concerning damages from British warships supplied the Confederacy.

What an amazing man.

In 1861, Morton, in partnership with Walter H. Burns, H. C. Oakley, and Charles W. McCune, started the banking firm, L. P. Morton & Co. The Morton name would come to represent honesty and accountability important for gaining the trust of investors in an industry often lacking standards. L. P. Morton & Co. had offices at 35 Wall St., and maintained a thorough economic involvement with the booming American railway interests. Within a few years the firm established a branch in London led by Canadian politician, Sir John Rose.

In 1869, Morton and financier George Bliss formed Morton, Bliss & Co. which operated in London and New York. The London office of Morton, Rose, and Co. served as a separate entity with its own capital account and cooperated strategically with the American firm. Positioned in both England and America, Morton and his firms were able to participate in the swelling public interests on both sides of the Atlantic. The London branch acted as fiscal agent to the Alabama joint commission that sought compensation to the United States for damages inflicted by the Alabama and other British-built Confederate warships during the Civil War. With the help of John Rose, the houses of Morton, Bliss & Co. and James Cooke & Co. secured for the United States government a sum of $15,500,000 as reparative settlement. The money directly funded American post-Civil War national debt at a lower rate of interest, negotiated through the sale of bonds in both America and England by Morton himself.

Morton was not betraying America in selling America out to Europeans like JP Morgan or the Rothschild asset August Belmont of New York. He was playing on a world economic stage with the worst criminals in Europe and the Indian Ring in America, and he dominated in being honest.

Levi Parsons Morton (1824-1920) was an American businessman, banker, diplomat, and statesman. A descendent of the Morton family that arrived at the English colonies on the ship Anne in 1623, Morton was born in Shoreham, Vermont, 1824 to the Congregational minister, Daniel O. Morton and his wife Lucretia Parsons. Levi was named after an uncle of his mother, Levi Parsons, an early missionary and possibly the first American to reach Jerusalem.

He would arise to be Vice President with President Harrison, but fail in his run for the presidency against another moral Christian man in William McKinley

After unsuccessful bids for the Senate in 1885 and 1887, Morton was selected as Platt's choice for vice-president on the 1888 ticket with Benjamin Harrison. Harrison and Morton lost the popular vote, but won the race in the Electoral College. As vice-president, Morton presided over the Senate filled with men who had made millions off of railroads, mining, and gilded age excess.

The focus in this for President Trump is that Levi Morton, was in a world of financial monopolies, but succeeded. President Trump has entered the most corrupt financial scheme in the world, and his success will be a Trump Golden Age, when he breaks this old Dutch fractal lending and Jew Street usury which holds the world in this economic gulag in we are forced to pay interest on our own money. With Trump coin to be the platform to end American debt, not by inflation of making the dollar cheap, but making Trump coin so expensive that it deflates the value of debt to pennies, including making billions in foreign held bonds worth a pocket of nickels. will this President establish a Trump Economic standard which will be able to absorb and handle qaudrillions of dollars in the step to the riches in space.

America has been robbed by London banking, Dutch interest and Jew banking, which has bled America in wars and resources. The United States must partner with the only sound economic base of Berlin and Moscow, with Indian tech labor being managed by Saxon American genius.

When L P Morton could stand toe to toe with the worst in the world in Rothschilds and Morgans, President Donald Trump can surpass those successes in his economic revolution which will establish a legacy, where JD Vance will not be forgotten like LP Morton, because this time it will be Saxon Russ finance which prevails not London pawn shops with New York usury.

Nuff Said

