I am Frau Blitzerbutt and Madame Paris, you will pay for your sins.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
See this is a new era in America under President Donald Trump. France and Denmark do not just get to threaten to mass murder Americans with their bombs and soldiers and then back down and say, "We really did not mean it".
Meet you on the other side.
France Won't Fight The US Over Greenland
F-16 jets in Greenland as US reacts to ‘ongoing
threat’ - US Moves In Before The EU Can Move
Tucker Calls for Dissolution of North Atlantic Alliance
For this little French episode of terrorism against America, Team Trump should enforce a like penalty which the French leveled at the Germans after holocausting those Lutherans in two world wars.
The current French GDP is in millions, 3,051,831.61
France has been making economic war on America since the 2008 Obama collapse of the markets which generated out of France, and installed that Birther who looted America of like a trillion dollars for European trolls.
For that, for the threat against America, for Macron bothering Putin and backing that Kiev Nazi and for this Greenland terrorism, France must be made to pay 500 billion dollars a year for the next decade. Considering the trillions Americans had to pay for defense of Europe in the Cold War, 5 trillion dollars is cheap compensation for a terror state. Perhaps Le Penn will in this upheaval be placed into power which the People did in elections and Mr. Trump can fund the Af D in Germany with Sebastian Kurz in Austria with this compensation, where there can be a real German recovery to base a secure Europe on, with NATO gone, and the German alliance protecting Europe.
The French have not paid for invading Mexico and setting up an Emperor of anything else of her sins against the Americas. It is time France pay up or have the United States declare war and seize the French funds, the way Paris did to Germans twice.
It is time the Saxon Donald Trump, President of the United States and leader of the world, install allies into Europe for the emancipation of the Peoples there.
Nuff Said