"I had done all the talking," reported one Briton, after an hours interview with Thurlow Weed. "He won men as a heartless belle wins lovers, a remote corner of a room and, in the most deferential manner, tells you nothing in a low, confidential tone?"
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is a teaching lesson, if President Trump has not designed this in his vast arsenal of diplomacy or has not included this into his group, as when I came across this in the annals of President Abraham Lincoln, it gave me pause as it is so rare, in it reminds me now of Colonel Richard Irving Dodge in having a problem with people on his Black Hills expedition in 1875 AD in the year of our Lord, recorded in his private journal, "Nothing could be gleaned of the situation at the moment, so I chose to let time render out the facts which I knew would come out".
Silence sometimes is golden and it is an approach most will not undertake as it requires patience and special skill to be quiet.
I noticed Momland Director in her nomination, that the Democrats who voted for her, said she sat down with them and "listened".
Historically when President Abraham Lincoln was having the war turned in his favor in America, he sent to England, the great enemy of the United States two of the most lethal intellectual weapons the United States had. They would join Ambassador Charles Adams, a real titan in intellect and diplomacy, but he had no idea what Democrat Robert J. Walker was engaged in, in England and Europe, to build favor for the United States and to undercut the Confederacy.
Walker would be the tongue of President Abraham Lincoln, while an even greater nemesis was sent in the ears of President Lincoln in the mountain sized immovable object of intellect in Thurlow Weed.
Now in Dickens reality, I love names like Thurlow Weed. America needs people named like that among the White class as when Blacks engage in it, it just is stupid eubonics.
What appeared in Thrulow Weed was an amazing lesson in reality. It was recorded that "soon after Thurlow Weed entered a room, soon he was off in a corner, listening to some British notable, and in silence winning them over to be a subject of the United States in surrendering to his silence".
There is a maxim that if you simply let people talk, they will tell you all sorts of things, and as they talk, they will indeed, begin trying to convince you to their side, but as they wear themselves out in the effort, they will start giving ground to find accommodation with you.
Thurlow Weed was a master of this. As you can see by his photo above, this was not a man who was going to be moved by an irresistible force.
I honestly believe that President Trump has some of this New Yorker, Thurlow Weed in him, when it comes to the postures which Russia, China and Iran have taken toward America. We hear of him ball busting on some South Americans taking back invaders, but we are all still laughing at Frau Merkel and that French pansy Macron, trying to read Trump the riot act and his not being moved in their yelling at him, but there is something in China taking back invaders, there is something in Russia deescalating from a nuclear stance toward America, there is something in Iran going silent. In analysis that brings the conclusion that Donald Trump is listening to people who have problems with Obama Bush Biden, and they have actually moved to looking to the United States position, something which has not taken place in a very long time, and something which has never taken place in the Persian Republic.
There is a great deal more to President Donald Trump than those who have plagiarized this blog in the WWE stance. That is a gift in itself, but the ability to win people over in silence is something to be appreciated, and everyone has missed this aspect of the 47's character.
Nuff Said