Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Jemanden überreden President Trump for your Golden Age


CDU leader Friedrich Merz has vowed to shift his party back to its conservative roots, with a focus on tougher asylum laws. Despite cooperating with the AfD to pass a motion on closing Germany’s borders to illegal migrants—and thereby tearing down the cordon saintaire surrounding the right-wing party—Merz insists he will never enter into a coalition with them.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a reality out there for America, and I doubt more Americans than myself even comprehend that the necessity of the Trump Golden Age for America and the world, hinges upon what takes place in Germany in who will govern there.

Germany is the key point in this and why London and Paris with Jew York finance tried to exterminate them in two world wars for control of Russia and America. Germany is the buffer necessary to Russia for America. Germany is the buffer for the Mideast for America. Germany is the strategic piece on this international chessboard and it must be America who moves that piece, and sheds itself of the London Paris New York finance which brought America to financial ruin and slaughtered her people. The biggest mistake the United States made was after the European murdered Abraham Lincoln was not to carry out the Lincoln plan against America's arch enemies of England and France in making them bend the knee with their financiers.

For this reason, in the coming German elections, it would behoove Team Trump to assess this board fully and force the leading candidate, Herr Merz, to form a government with AfD. President Trump can not allow Germany to stagnate the way France has become a dying cesspool under leftist Macron and the coalitions which thwarted the People of France from having Madame LePenn and her party to govern the French.

Herr Merz can not join again with these radical leftists who are anti Trump. Germany will become the same chaos which France is and Mr. Trump must have a stable Germany in his peace with Russia over Ukraine.

For that reasoning on this board, I refrain from saying the President must do things or giving advice as this is his show and he is doing well, but it would be prudent for President Trump to dispatch Secretary Marco Rubio to Berlin and inform Herr Merz, that like Elon Musk, the United States supports AfD and would not view the situation for the German People as representative if Berlin does not include AfD in the next Government, that America would view Berlin as anti Trump, and not view Berlin as a stable long term partner to profit financially and politically if the German Right is not established for the security of Germany.

At this crucial juncture of human history it is imperative that the Saxon race establish itself to guide this history.

Twist Herr Merz's arm Mr. President, jemanden überreden, twist his arm for a stable German Government of the People.

Make Germany your Queen on this chessboard Mr. President and they will do all the work in Europe for you.

Nuff Said
