Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Necessity of Steps to Restore the Rule of Law


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry in the interest of peaceful transfer of governance and the actions of Joe Biden in the last weeks at the White House being statesmanlike, praised Mr. Biden, but in the events which have come to light, Joe Biden has proven duplicitous and a willing cog in the insurrection against the Government of these Trump United States.

Being shifty is one thing in politics. Being shifty in an insurrection is treason. That is Joe Biden.

We now have enough proof that Joe Biden signed off on an immense operation, paid with laundered money through Ukraine, probably USAID, which with the full consent of the Kaganite Conglomerates, moved to thwart the securing of the borders by President Trump which Americans voted for. Mr. Biden was stealing from Americans again in putting cash cards into invaders hands, getting them flown into America, most likely HAARP, turned over to charities like Lutheran Social Services, where they were dumped into Reagan Trump Communities to be slave labor for California warehouse agriculture torturing cows, pigs and chickens.

There are others things which Mr. Biden left as traps to stop Mr. Trump, which apparently Mr. Trump is becoming full aware of, as Mr. Trump rightly cancelled Joe Biden's security clearances, which Biden would only pass on to his Soros conduits to  thwart President Trump.

We have before us in the example of Barack Hussein Obama an entire "destroy Trump resistance" which did just that in his first term. I watched after Butler PA in the "cover your ass" good wishes to Candidate Trump, from these agents of international socialism and frowned in thinking, but never said it, that these traitors knew very certain that Donald Trump was going to be shot, recorded with high speed cameras, so the public would be terrified in millisecond frames to see Mr. Trump's head snap, his head explode on the far side, his eyes pop out of his head and blood come gushing out of his mouth. The JFK assassination was going to be mild compared to what you were supposed to be terrified over.

When one of these leaders as leaked by The Deuce heard them ask Mr. Trump, "How did you know to turn your head?", that was complicity, like all of this was complicity, and while America is not yet ready in the public mind as President Lincoln astutely waited for in Emancipation and invoking the Insurrection Act to jail people, seize property and execute them, this educational process is going to have to be speeded up, so the public is going to support the mass cleansing of America from the top down by legal authority. That is Cabinet members from Attorney General Pam Bondi, Secretary Pete Hegseth and Secretary Marco Rubio, signing piles of arrest warrants of the famous people of America who were in on this, paid off in this, and are willing fellow travelers of Butler PA.
This must be legal, from the Government. No vigilantes, no mobs with pitchforks. This must be People's Courts and Military Tribunals of Patriots who will provide speedy trials and execution of sentence in 2 weeks, and the reality of the only person who can be appealed to is President Donald Trump and he must not like President Lincoln sort through the convictions due to Indian terrorism in Minnesota against 2000 murdered German settlers, in letting most go. That is what the one mistake Abraham Lincoln made, when the government started reining in arrest warrants, that was the time to issue 100% more as John Wilkes Booth should have been hung before be put a bullet into the trusting Abraham Lincoln's brain, murdering him.

The Insurrection Act must be initiated in all of this. America can not waste time and resources on the kangaroo courts which persecuted Donald Trump and the Jan6ers. We must have Justice and  the Rule of Law, and America must be transformed into a people of George Washington kicking every Tory out of America and taking their property and a Robespierre France in producing ala lantern in a common recreation that crowds gathered and cheered and it became commonplace to see notable people having the Law administered against them and for the People.

This must be legal. This must be absolute. This must be to the lowest levels in anyone whining about this Justice is too extreme, be charged with the same crimes and meet the same rope. Only by this will President Trump, his family and Vice President JD Vance as President four years from now, will establish an America which is for Americans again or this insurrection will raise it's viper's head again and move to erase and  replace us with genocide worse than vaxes.

Fear. It is going to require fear of 47. The same kind of fear which General William Tecumseh Sherman wrote to President Lincoln in the Southern Aristocracy was going to have to be obliterated and the Crackers made to so fear the Government that they would never rise up again in a generation in treason. The fear of the Lord is a mandate. That fear is to hate evil and there is nothing more evil than insurrection against the Constitution of the United States which will obliterate all of us.

As we know history from Jim Marrs and David John Oates in reverse speech, the John Kennedy assassination was known by that montage of the deep state. Former President Dwight Eisenhower in reversals signs off on this assassination. By actions, it very much is evident that a group right and left signed off on assassination again. JFK was murdered so Tel Aviv could get a nuke, and in that management they dirtied everyone up, so no one could say anything. President Richard Nixon knew the details of Dallas as did his friend Democrat John Connally who was shot with JFK in that limo. Governor Connally told Gerald Celente that if Americans knew what was being done to America there would be a revolution. George H.W. Bush said later in the White House if the People knew what was being done to them they would hang them all. President Richard Nixon was taken down in a coup before he could dismantle this nefarious operation which John Kennedy had sworn to do.

America now has before us, thank God, in President Trump, the loyalists and the people who know how to move the levers of power for Americans. The Government is forming the legal basis for what it will move to restore America. The People must be aware of the legal necessities and support their Government. Papers are just papers though, unless there is the conviction and sentencing to remove the threat against thee American People.

President Trump has taken a necessary step in firing Joe Biden. Considering that Eric Holder was part of the insurrection just a year ago, demanding Mr. Trump be banned as a Candidate and if somehow restored to the White House in a Biden election steal, Mr. Trump was supposed to be at this moment in a jail cell, where he would meet his end like all Clinton and Obama associates met their ends. Now it might not be a Sous chef drowning in water he could stand up in, or Vince Foster in Fort Marcy Park exotic, but Mr. Trump was not going to survive his sentence nor Govern the people from that execution cell which was planned for him

Every American must be reminded of this until they think it like a Barbie Doll in having her string pulled, in we need to remember that this wonderful President Donald Trump was supposed to be dead with his head blown off in the summer of 2024 and if he somehow was elected, he was supposed to have an "accident" in his prison cell and be dead too.

I will not have a world without a Donald Trump in it. He is a necessity for America. The solution in this is to move from Executive Orders, Secretaries restoring policy, to Abraham Lincoln's War Secretary, Democrat Edwin Stanton signing piles of arrest warrants daily for speedy trials by Tribunals of loyalists.

The Rule of Law must be restored in America, not by vigilante but by Government. This must be legal and recorded with affirmation as President Abraham Lincoln's Presidential Authority and Actions were recorded a blueprint and precedent in how American Government must respond in the Constitution.

Cutting off the money flow from USAID to these traitors is not enough, as it is like taking food away from rats, as all you have then are hungry rats, still looking to eat you. The rats must be dealt with in a Lincoln Administration way with Democrat Secretary, Edwin Stanton.

“get the machinery of the office working, the rats cleaned out, and the rat holes stopped we shall move.  

Nuff Said
