That would be your fugax referencing a meta in the gender
of polycule or hormonal anus hair.
Trump revokes security clearances of former intelligence officials
Clapper: 'Very petty' that Trump is considering revoking security ...
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
OK so TL was reading me a story from General Mike Lynn, who apparently is an expert now on sexual deviants in the American Intelligence Community, but I will admit I had to look up this stuff he was talking about in chat rooms which the NSA, CIA and DIA systems hosted with trannies like Big Mike Obama.
Words came out like META from Facebook that is some sex code, and then there was polycule which is like dogs dry humping, fetching sticks for you and breeding your bitch who is in heat. There was something about "butt zapping with lasers" to remove anal hair. Apparently sexual deviants have a help room to discuss FUGAX. I had to look that up too, and fugax is a sharp zapping pain in your ass which sex deviants find a mystery. Probably if you are shoving gerbils up there, light bulbs, cucumbers and dildos, that is the source of having anus pain, like if you hit yourself in the head with a hammer which is not recommended you would have a head pain.
TL figured out that you anus hair or bearded anus from taking sex tranny drugs which do hormone things and grow hair in places beyond your nose and ears. I would think that this self inflicting bunch would like their anus hair pulled out one by one with a tweezers as part of sex weirdness pain, but getting your bunghole laser burned is what they choose. Maybe they like the tingle of a bunghole burn. Perhaps there is something I have not found yet in anus sunscreen for degenerates who present their bunghole to the sun and get it burned as they like the pain.
The CIA states it is going to investigate this. Elon Musk tweeted that at least the government now knows what high paid security people were doing last week in they were getting their bungholes burned of hair and discussing things that General Mike Flynn apparently is an expert on. Perhaps Keihleigh Nelson on Rense who just adores Mike Flynn as a kind of groupie will post an informative article explaining all of this and can speak about it on her Rense appearance this week in what Mike Flynn explained all of this in the terms, as I kind of need a word guide as this speak is all foreign to me.
If you are interested in how all of this tracks and yes it is tracked, this Twitter client has a trove of data explanations. In the case of Bill Kristol, his money like all (that includes posts) have a code assigned to them in computer speak, which identifies everyone and everything in the systems being looked at.
DataRepublican (small r) - X
So if your anus was in a sex deviant chat room, it is logged, but we probably need Mike Flynn to explain what the terms mean.
The General does allot of explaining, a bit too much, as the NSA does real time data sifting and cross checking, both in the internal chat rooms and the external messaging. A popular girl will inform you what is beyond the deviancy, in this type of arrangement only took place, because there was a nullification or ignore placed on all of these perv words. Yes the NSA recorded them all, but they did not flag to the AI to alert the wetwares.
Of course, social media was not the only intelligence source – a U.S. spy satellite detected a missile launch immediately before the plane went down and the Ukrainian government intercepted a phone conversation between two rebel leaders.26 Yet the role of social media highlights this emerging form of open-source intelligence collection – one akin to social media providing situation awareness during the Mumbai attacks. “The first indication of who shot it, what shot it and when and where it was shot was all social media”, former DIA chief Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn told The Wall Street Journal – “It was literally within minutes.”
Within minutes events were on social media and the NSA immediately flagged and had the information moving to the wetwares as being flagged. Odd how the General with all of that had no idea that his buddy Mr. Clapper was suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Nuff Said