Monday, February 24, 2025

President Trump unhooking the European Dead Weight

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry could not be more pleased with the results of the Board advancing the agenda in Europe. This Frau Merz who is a NATOphile is the perfect solution to American cutting off this European ex wife who has our bank accounts.

President Trump should embrace what the Germans are advocating as much as he shuns the French in not greeting that meddlesome Manny Macron at 1600 Penn. Let April be the month where Peace with Russia is established, America dumps Ukraine into the German basket and America starts shutting down every NATO base in Europe.
Time to come home as Secretary Hegseth has shown that our forces are too expensive to maintain, and the solution to that is shut down European bases and use that money to make American streamlined combat systems 100% ready for action, and not the Biden under 50% most days.

After yesterday's election in Germany, Freiderich Merz, the presumptive Chancellor from the CDU political Party, stunned the world by announcing Germany would seek nuclear weapons, and wants a "replacement for NATO" within months.  He kept this secret before the election.

Merz  said "The Trump administration does not care about Europe and is aligning with Russia"  He went on to say "The continent must urgently strengthen its defenses and potentially even find a replacement for NATO — within months."

“My absolute priority will be to strengthen Europe as quickly as possible so that, step by step, we can really achieve independence from the USA.

By all means let the Normans and the Frogs give Germany nuclear weapons and this leaves America not the target of Russia. Let the Europeans have Ukraine undeveloped resources and move America into Greenland with developing those resources and putting medium range hypersonic missiles into Greenland, and let us disarm with Russia and China to under 500 warheads each in nuclear missiles.

President Trump in peace is coming to terms with Moscow and Ankara in showing that peace is the agenda. He has shut down the immense logistics hub in Greece for the NATO war against Russia. The Lame Cherry has stated that the primary achievement of the President is to pay any price now for peace, because America will win this on the economic front, and in the economic front, nuclear missiles are not fired into America.

Reports are coming in claiming President Donald Trump has ordered the shutdown of a large U.S. Military Base in Greece.  The base is presently a key Logistics point in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine situation.  NATO has been using this base to ship weapons for Ukraine.

Greek media reports that the closure of the U.S. military base in Alexandroupoli, Greece, follows a joint request from Putin and Erdogan.

The United States out of necessity must remove itself in all bases out of Europe, and that means England. Let these whores defend themselves. America will take Greenland and that is the strategic base for space warfare and deterrent which far exceeds what that English island has cost the United States in dead and trillions of dollars.

This is a very good day. The Board is moving their agenda ahead and it is the most wonderful and beneficial of times for the United States of America and President Donald Trump.

With 47 cutting half the spending debt, with the end of the NATO bleed and Ukraine war, the United States is going to be solvent in expenditures to rebuild America. The Lame Cherry could not be more joyous in America being unhooked from those Europeans once and for all.

Nuff Said
