Hmmmm June 13, 2013 ...better delete that one.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The popular girl is choosing the words carefully in this as you are being educated to the realities of what is in the alphabet agencies in open insurrection against these United States in their ANTIGOV actions.
What this is based upon is what is highlighted in STAND ALONE SERVERS in the FBI which means they are not hooked up to any internal network, they are dead drops, that information is loaded up into on operations, (were designed for top security) but were bastardized for these operations against Americans by compartmentalized ANTIGOV agents.
Meet you on the other side.
O’Boyle noted to Johnson that he did not think even Musk’s team of DOGE whiz kids could recover the files if they were erased from stand-alone servers, but if anyone can, it is likely that team.
I'm not going to address the lament of the original article in files being deleted and the children of Musk not being able to retrieve them. Doing so would provide too much information to the ANTIGOV agents.
What instead is going to be explained is what this off book system operates as.
There are 4 major file carriers disconnected from the internal government system. The first is the wetware enhanced. 2nd, are the hard copy files off site. 3rd is the peripheral NSA archives which can be spoofed, but if you have the Rosetta Stone, things can be tracked by other cause and effect (like at Butler that phone showing up in Chinatown and the FBI office in DC in shadow traces.) Lastly is the operational records off site.
What needs to be understood in all of this is, there is a copy block on these files which are computerized. There is no Seth Rich copying files for Wikileaks, That is blocked. Data can be plugged in, but not copied in the stand alone servers.
Unlike Hollywood, hard copy paper files are large, have their own embed tracking, are locked away off site and are large so they can not be carried off. If someone tried to bring in a cell phone or other copy device, there are measures to wipe them going in and out.
The same is true with the blackmail e files. These are not some flash drive in terabytes which can be carried off. The platform is big enough to not be carried off and there is not any way to plug into it as it is hard shelled. Yes there are microwave devices which can read hard drives from a distance, but this blackmail reservoir is established in such a way that only the handlers have access to it.
With that understanding, that is how this off book system operates by this group of controllers. To the point, it is understood that you do not even appear to violate any of these protocols or termination will take place. That is why it never leaks. People who get caught are defended and rewarded with money and the knowledge of what is out there, keeps them silent.
As in all crimes there are weak points. The agents or assets who wiped these files, all leave tracks. Yes the system of the NSA is fully aware of movements, but blocks or non records can be put into place, but then again, when something like that takes place, you have an exposed point, higher up than some FBI troll, which is closer to the source. Just as Samantha Powers was used as cover for Susan Rice to spy on people, the data is still in that interactive web. They are clever in the disconnects, but this is a finite group of known and unknown people of interest. Leave your cell phone in your car as you sit in the park, or in some cafe, and the other person whose cell phone is left, develops a pattern and then it links up to, "Oh these trolls met, and on schedule data files start being downloaded or stand alone servers have new data uploaded on the size of Melania Trump's underwear and you have a pattern.
You don't need the ate corn to make the pig squeal for 50 years in prison. You only need the broken fence to make trolls disappear in pound them in the ass prison for 50 years.
This is a bit more logical projection of the workings of this operational and blackmail system. It is secure, but the weak links are always the controllers.........and believe me, the controllers are all known, so it is not like Nancy Frumper has to be tracked through a dozen people to get to who has the files for blackmail. Nancy is just the element that needs to be unplugged from the wetware plug in.
You will notice that contractor Edward Snowden has been very quiet over all of this and is so for reason.
Nuff Said